25. Total confusion

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"I need to ask you something-"

"There is no time. You came at the most appropriate time," Seunhwa signs checking her son. "We will have an audience with the emperor himself. We accomplished many things during your absence."

"Oh? Okay?" stammers Jimin furrowing his eyebrows Did they have options? Why did they send him to kill Jungkook in the first place if so? "But after that, I need to talk to both of you, with-"

Jimin pauses, looking around Why is everyone here watching him? It's... overwhelming. He takes his mother's hand, genuinely frightened by the sudden harassment of the servants with their prying eyes.

In the main living room of the palace, there is Mr. Park. Jimin didn't have time to speak before the man hugs him and gives him exaggerated and substantial kisses along his face. It is not abnormal for him to receive such large displays of affection, what is, is the very explicit hugging and touching: squeezing his sides and even his buttocks over his clothes.

"I was afraid you wouldn't be able to come back and I'd have to send for you" replaces the man with Jimin's face in his hands, "but now that you're here, we can do everything we've wanted to do." he announces with an excited smile.

"I-I'm not understanding-"

"We will see the emperor in person. You will go with us," Minjoon explains vaguely. "You will be more beautiful than you have ever been and, with your charm, you will not only convince his daughter. But also the emperor himself that you are the best candidate to stay there. Especially after you've passed his wife's mourning."


"Shp, let's get you fixed up."

Jimin feels overwhelmed Why is everyone so hung up on him now? No matter where he enters or who he faces, he's the focus of attention in an almost unhealthy way that makes him uncomfortable and pleases him. It's more than he's ever wanted, it's perceiving a love coming from everyone; in turn, it makes it impossible for the unpleasantness to flourish in it.

Everyone loves him, but why do they want to get close? Why do they seem willing to do even foolish things for it? Getting fixed up costs a hell of a lot less than with anyone else How much fixing up can someone infinitely beautiful like him need?

"Aren't they angry that I didn't kill Jungkook?" asks Jimin in a low voice, with a maid combing his hair.

"Little does it matter, there's a rumor going around that he died, it's more believable to that he's alive and well. The only thing that fills us with annoyance about it, is knowing that he, being a fatal pervert, touched you... it's not something I should allow. Only I can touch you can't I?"

Jimin tilts his head. That line feels so... out of character coming from his father.

"I need to... ask you something" he mumbles, catching the attention of his mother who barely enters the living room. In her hands some clothes that Jimin can wear. "It's... It's a silly question" laughs listlessly. "It's-"

"Oh! He's here!"

Jimin clicks his tongue, exasperated What's wrong with them? They won't let him speak. They're so anxiously pacing back and forth getting his attention that he can't talk to anyone. A few minutes, Jimin rises abruptly from his seat and steps back, his hand over his mouth and surprise on his face.

"We charge him for his crime against you" Seunhwa announces with a smile. A couple of soldiers drag a bleeding body that perhaps, is a corpse and not a living being. "And he was duly punished" He clasps his hands together on his chest. "Aren't you glad?"

Jimin never felt so much pressure to give an answer. Genuinely, keeps that it made him happy, that it made him feel safe and pleased. Seunhwa smiles happily, convinced that her son's lack of words is an accomplishment. She hugs him and Jimin notices the wary look his father gives his mother.

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