5. Unexpectedly Expecting

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Vivian woke up at 5 AM, and for the first time in years she felt awful. Groaning, she pushed the blankets off of her body, feeling groggy.


Bibbers jumped up on the bed, eyes widening as they lit up to a light blue. Covering her face with her arms, Vivian was still trying to motivate herself to get out of bed. They still had so much to do.

"Scanning complete, anomaly present. Please seek medical attention." Bibbers announced. "Sending notice to: Syndrome."

"Oh dear..." Vivian groaned, mentally preparing herself for his fussing.

If she was any other employée, he wouldn't blink at a sick notice. But Vivian was his agent. The electricity soaring through the machine. Without her, multiple sectors would be without constant supervision.

At least, that's the excuse Syndrome always used to check up on her. He still hasn't figured out that he doesn't need an excuse.

"Bibbers, send the following message to Syndrome." Vivian mumbled, before the voice recorder activated. "Hey honey, I know Bibbers just send you a notice. But don't worry, I'm okay. I'll pass by our doctors before going back to work, so no need to change the schedule. I'll keep you updated."

Bibbers meowed in protest, telling her that she really shouldn't work today. But Vivian was stubborn. However she realised that, like her creator, Bibbers would continue to send notices until she finally took action, and dragged herself to the doctor.

So, completely in denial, Vivian got dressed into her uniform. Caressing the moon cress around her neck, she clasped it open, revealing a black and white picture, cut to fit the round shape.

"Can you believe it, dad?" She gave a breathy chuckle, brushing her long black hair back. "Me, getting sick? Yeah, I don't think so."

"Meow." Bibbers meowed with impatience.

"I'll be right there Bibs." Vivian sighed, pulling on her heels. "Darn, impatient much?"

Bibbers was not amused.


"Well, after looking over the results of your scan and blood test, we're confident in concluding your symptoms, miss Eclipse." The doctor spoke softly, as if he was building up to something.

"Thank you for your effort." Eclipse nodded, trying to hide the fact that she was rushing to get out. "What is your conclusion?"

"The symptoms you've been experiencing were caused by a drastic change in your hormonal structure, we noted something in your scan but needed the blood test to be absolutely certain." The doctor smiled. "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

Vivian blinked, her professional act shattering like glass before the doctor's eyes.

"I'm sorry what now?"

"Our tests have concluded that you are approximately ten to twelve weeks pregnant. Now, depending on your decision from here on out we have advisors that will guide you through it, to make sure you get the optimal care. Now, don't feel rushed to make a decision-"



"I'm pregnant?" Vivian repeated.

The doctor nodded, as patient as ever. "Yes, m'am."

Suddenly, Bibbers' scanner beeped.

"Message received, sending voice-recording to: Syndrome."

"NO!" Vivian panicked. "Bibbers, cancel the message!"

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