13. Supers and Smarts

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It failed. 

Even without her signal, Syndrome had managed to get to the family of supers before they were able to escape. In Vivian's opinion, they had wasted their time on fighting, rather than running. Now, they were back where they started, as prisoners. 

Vivian watched from the back of the room as workers cheered, watching the news as the Omnidroid attacked on the mainland. Everything was just as planned, it was virtually indestructible, and even the US military couldn't stop it. Sooner or later, Syndrome would fly in and 'save the day'. Yeah... Vivian wondered how well that would go.

"Oh, Buddy." She sighed to herself, feeling deflated.

She loved him so much, and he'd stabbed her in the back. Well, that's what she did in return by letting the Incredibles escape the first time. But she still couldn't fathom how suddenly, after all these years, it seemed like her life meant nothing to him. She hadn't seen or spoken to him in hours, and he'd made no attempts to reach out to her. Why? For a man who was usually so stubborn, he sure gave up quickly. 

To Vivian, the message was loud and clear. He never loved her in the first place. And to think she wanted to start a family with him, she felt pathetic. 

Hurt, she turned away from the awful sight before her, instead letting her eyes fall on the security cameras behind her. There, she was the only one to witness the group of supers running through the halls, in search of an escape. Her dark eyes widened, how had they managed to escape? Her mind filled with relief.

"Bibbers, follow." She whispered to the cat, who was silent in response.

Carefully, Vivian slipped out of the room. Pulling her sunglasses out of her pocket, she clicked the button on the right. "Active security breach."

Bibbers meowed, and filled Vivian's vision with just the right information she needed. They were heading to the aircrafts, of course they would. But nothing was there anymore, no plane, no jets. All they had left was... a rocket.

"Great, I can't fly a rocket." She heard Elastigirl sigh from the intercom. 

Vivian let out a breath of relief, noting that every one of their men had left to celebrate. Normally, that would cause a berating, but now, she was just glad they abandoned their posts for once. 

"You don't have to." The teenaged shrugged. "Use the coördinates from the last launch."

Clever girl, Vivian smiled. 

"Wait." Mr. Incredible groaned. "I bet Syndrome's changed the password by now. How do I get into the computer?"

Pressing the button on the microphone, Vivian's voice filled the chamber. "Say please."

She couldn't change what had been done in the past, but she could do the right thing now. Officially, Vivian was done running from her past. Now, she was going to face the harsh truth: her boyfriend was a villain, and she had to stop him. She just hoped she wouldn't be too late.


Vivian grasped the handles of the steering wheel tightly, taking deep breaths in and out to calm her nerves. For the first time since she'd moved to Normanisan, she would be going back to the mainland. Something she never thought she'd do again, at least not so soon. What if she didn't recognize it anymore? Didn't know how to talk, or how to act? 

What was she even going to do out there? She wasn't a superhero, nor did she have all of Syndrome's fancy gadgets. She just had herself, her stuff, and Bibbers. 

"Bibbers, search for the fastest route to Chicago, mainland." Vivian called out, before switching on the boosters. "We're in a hurry."

The robot meowed, before putting her foundings in the map on her screen. 

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