Chapter 1

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"Are you sure what we need is here?" Asked the young boy who looked to be no older than 13. His only audience besides the night was the small music box he held and the roadside sign that read 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'. After a moment's pause he spoke again. "I hope you're sure this time, Lovely, because I tire of this body." He then clutched the box closed to his chest and trekked across the boundary and headed into town.

"Seriously," Bonnie exclaimed as she glared across the table at the being she'd often mentally refer to as the blue eyed devil. "You can't even play a simple card game without cheating?" Damon threw out an innocent look as his eyes widened and his brows rose.

"C'mon why would I che..." Damon spoke out only to have his words cut off by Bonnie.

"Ostendo," Bonnie muttered and the ace of hearts that he had hidden up his sleeve, slipped out and floated into her hand. This earned her a smirk from Damon who raised his glass of bourbon in a toast and then took a swig. "I don't know why I thought you of all people would actually play fair and square," She added as her lips curled up a bit as she eyed the man before her with a look of disdain. She tossed the cards she held down on the table and then reached for her phone. After a couple of rings the person she was trying to get a hold of finally picked up. "Elena where are you?"

"Hey Bon, sorry I'm just running a little late, they have me pulling a little overtime at the hospital," Elena stated coolly.

"Really...huh, funny I ran into Jo earlier and she said she hoped we enjoyed our girl's night, since she finally forced you to take the night off," Bonnie said as she leaned back more comfortably in the sofa she sat in, and blatantly ignored Damon. He sat across from her sipping his bourbon and letting his eyes casually and appreciatively rake over her frame. Elena may have captured his heart but it never stopped him from eyeballing other females he deemed hot. Bonnie rolled her eyes slightly at him when she caught his eyes lingering on her exposed legs, and then with a huff on her breath she stood and walked to the other side of the room towards the foyer.

"OK you caught me," Elena stated with a slight sign. "I wanted you and Damon to hang a bit, you know make nice and maybe..."

"Maybe what, forget our past, bury the hatchet, and become best buds?" Bonnie asked quite amused by the ridiculous idea.

"Tell Elena whatever she's been drinking to make sure she brings me some when she comes," Damon threw out from the other room, having heard Elena's plan. Bonnie couldn't help but giggle at his words.

"Yeah I get it, probably not my best idea."

"Duh, I could've told you that and saved you the time and trouble," Bonnie huffed out as she rolled her eyes slightly.

"Well now I finally get it. I guess I must accept the fact that my best girlfriend and my boyfriend will never like each other, and I'm done trying," Elena proclaimed. "So I'll be there in about an hour."

"Nuh...uhn, I am not waiting that long, sorry sister. It would be different if Stefan was here running interference but he's doing that thing with Care, and if I have to stay here any longer with Damon you might return to find ashes," Bonnie declared and heard Damon's laughter float in from the other room. "God Damon, could you at least pretend to not be eavesdropping in on our private conversation, Geez!" Bonnie called out to him in annoyance.

"Fine," He called back. "I'm not listening now so you can go ahead and talk about all those fantasies you two have about my hot little bod," He said in a teasing tone. Elena heard and smiled at how easily he could goad Bonnie. Most days though Elena found the way the two went at each other irritating and exhausting to witness.

"Yep and that's my queue to leave, I'll talk to you later Elena," Bonnie said as ended their call and then moved back into the living room, snatched up her small jean jacket, and then headed out the door without so much as a goodbye to Damon. Once she got into her car to leave the car wouldn't start when she turned the key. She gave it several attempts before she closed her eyes, swallowed down her pride, and walked back into the house to where Damon still sat nursing his drink. "Could you give me a ride home, my car won't start," Bonnie asked as she folded her arms across her chest in a defensive manner as if readying for a battle of wills.

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