Chapter 5

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It had been the sixth knock that had pulled her from her peaceful sleep. With a groan that resembled a growl she threw back her covers and rolled from her bed. As she stalked down the stairs she glanced at the clock on the wall and what she saw only inflamed her, so when she got to the door she didn't bother checking who it was first before she flung it open. She fully intended to give whoever it was her full wrath. Her angry words died on her lips the instant her eyes fell on the man who stood outside her door, gripping the door frame so hard it slightly splintered under his fingers.

"Damon," His names seemed to float from Bonnie's mouth in a half gasp, half whisper. It had been a week since she had seen him. One week of avoiding and ignoring. One entire week where she felt like she was slowly dying inside every single day they were apart. Seeing him now filled her with such a relief it nearly took her breath away, and by the way he stood there panting and seemingly gasping for air she somehow knew he was feeling the same effects.

"You've been a very..." He paused briefly as his eyes slowly roamed over her frame. Bonnie felt naked under his penetrating gaze, and regretted just sleeping in a night shirt that hit her at her upper thighs. "Very naughty little witch," He ended. His words made Bonnie look at him curiously and take a defensive stance, folding her arms across her chest.

"Excuse me, I haven't done anything to you...I haven't even seen you in a week," She began only to be interrupted by him.

"Exactly! It's been a week Bonnie and still here we are possessed. And you, you haven't come by, you have been ignoring my calls; on the phone and in our minds. You even took the week off from school and Elena said you left town and you didn't tell her why or how long you'd be gone. I knew that was a lie because I could feel that you were still in town. And how the hell can I see all that light behind you but," He leaned back to stare into the darkened bay window in the front of the house. "Out here everything is dark?"

"It's a cloaking spell no one on the outside can actually see or hear what's going on inside unless I allow them to. I put it up in case Elena or Caroline happened by. You didn't drive here did you?" Bonnie asked in a panicked voice and was relieved when Damon simply shook his head no in reply. "The reason I haven't been around is because I've been researching, trying to find a way to fix us. I've gone through my grimoire so much I think I know all the old spells by heart now. Oh, and for the record hearing you in my head incessantly wasn't helpful," He only threw out half a smirk in reply. "And what do you mean you could feel me? You feel it too don't you?" She asked as her eyes widened a bit at the revelation.

"Oh, you mean the pang in my gut that started the second you left my house, and had only gotten worse every day, until now? Yeah I feel it and somehow I just knew..."

"Knew that I wasn't too far away because if I were it probably would have hurt worse, I feel it too. It must be 'them'. They've been together for a very, very long time, though I don't know how long. I haven't gotten any new flashes of their past not since I held that music box. Maybe if I had it..." The box suddenly appeared in Damon's other hand.

"I thought it might help you," He offered.

"Then why haven't you showed up before now with it?"

"Well, Elena has been extra clingy recently, since I've been getting sick. She's been following me around everywhere. So, had I come here sooner you would have been busted. Also..." He paused, "He's been taking over more often. A few hours here and there, through out the day though not always complete. Most of the time I am aware of what he's saying and doing but I can't stop him. I can only watch, and he's really pissed Elena off. Which is why I was able to sneak over tonight, she's mad at me for something he said. When I regained control I apologized and blamed it on the blue mist incident but that didn't work, and Elena said she was going to spend a couple of nights in the dorm. Oh, and he's been looking all over town for you, well his 'Lovely'. Apparently he can't read my mind otherwise I'm sure he would have come straight here."

UnintendedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora