Chapter 2

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Only two silent forms sat in the living room of Salvatore mansion. Bonnie sat in the chair closest to the fire, her bare feet curled up beneath her as she stared, seemingly lost in the blazing fireplace. Damon sat on the sofa near the center of the room silently watching Bonnie's profile, and for the first time wishing he were able to read her thoughts. Bonnie could feel the weight of his eyes on her but she didn't dare turn to face him. It was easy to remain in denial about what had happened between them, to them, that way. She felt that if she didn't look at him, ten she could deny it for a little while longer. Bonnie jumped slightly when Elena touched her shoulder and held out the glass of juice she had retrieved from the kitchen.

"Bonnie are you sure you're ok?" Elena asked still very concerned by the way her friend was behaving.

"Yeah," Bonnie nodded as she plastered on a faux smile which she knew would calm Elena. "Just a little freaked out about losing time."

"And you don't remember anything about the last couple of hours?" Elena asked for the umpteenth time. The image of her nails clawing at Damon's back as he surged into her and brought her to her fourth orgasm flickered in Bonnie's mind as she hastily shook her head no. "What about you Damon?" Elena turned to him and his eyes lazily drifted from Bonnie's face up to Elena's. His nose flared as his mind's eye invoked the scent of Bonnie's essence, and then his mouth began to water as he recalled the way she tasted. He had fed from Bonnie before, but the taste she exuded when he bit to harm her was very different than when he had bitten her in the heat of passion. 'This' new taste he somehow knew would be branded in him forever. He had to swallow it down before he spoke.

"A blue mist," Damon replied and then locked onto Bonnie's wide fright filled eyes as she shot him a look meant to silence him. "I was taking Bonnie home," He began his half-truths just as Stefan re-entered the house after checking Bonnie's car. "We didn't quite make it out of the driveway before this glowing blue mist came at us. It came right into the vents and then lights out." He said and watched the sigh of relief roll off Bonnie's stiff shoulders, as she then looked from him and down at the floor.

"A blue mist?" Stefan repeated as he and Elena both scowled their minds trying to think of what it might mean.

"It was created by some powerful magic," Bonnie interjected. "Dark magic,"

"Yeah of course it was dark magic," Stefan replied as he rolled his eyed towards the ceiling, "And of course it would attack one of us."

"Could either of you sense if this was some sort of new bad guy or an old one, something we've encounter before maybe?" Elena continued her interrogation.

"Not my forte," Damon sighed out as he slouched a bit on the sofa, rested his head against its back, and locked his eyes to the ceiling. "Ask, Lovely, she's the one with the MoJo," He didn't seem to notice the new nickname he had just christened Bonnie with, neither had Stefan or Elena, both realizing long ago that Damon's nicknames for Bonnie were meant to be an irritant, more so than a compliment. However, Bonnie immediately took note of it and hated it. All his other names for her she easily brushed off, but this one seemed too familiar, almost intimate. Given what she was now sure took place between them earlier the name conjured feelings within her she didn't want to recall.

"Bonnie?" Elena coaxed for a reply.

"No, I have never felt or experienced anything like that before in my life," Bonnie responded and Damon again turned and captured her gaze a second before she quickly turned back to the fire. "I'll research it tomorrow and see what I can find, but right now I'm tired. So what's the damage to my car Stefan?" She asked as she regarded the other man in the room, happy to change the subject.

"Oh it was an easy fix the cables on your battery were loose. I tightened them and she cranked right up." Stefan stated with a kind smile, which Bonnie returned.

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