Chapter 9

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"You look amazing, if I haven't told you that already?" Damon spoke out.

"No you haven't, thank you. I thought you hadn't mentioned it because you were mad because I decided to wear a red dress instead of the black one you wanted."

"Actually, you are wearing the exact dress I wanted you to wear," He said as he turned to her and threw her a smirk and a wink before he focused his eyes back onto the road. "I know you Bonnie Bennett, so I knew if I 'told' you to wear a sexy black dress you'd wear a different color just to defy me. It's called reverse psychology. I also knew you only have two sexy dresses in your closet one red and one black...and to answer that question that just popped into your head, 'Yes I was totally snooping in your closet and drawers'. Oh and I might have taken one or two of your unmentionables to add to my collection," He added as he turned to her again and waggled his brows at her as his smirk turned into a full on smile.

"What collection?" Bonnie asked curiously but found that she wasn't as irritated as she should have been and she rolled her eyes at him slightly and smiled back.

"I found your panties in my car from the night we were first possessed, and then there's the 3 I took from your bedroom. Thus creating my collection and no I will not give them back."

"You're ridiculous you know that right? Also, when you said dinner and dancing I was not expecting to have to drive over 100 miles away," She said hoping to completely change the subject as Damon drove them through the bustling streets of the more metropolitan city that was miles away from Mystic Falls.

"I thought you would enjoy yourself more if you weren't worrying about us bumping into one of our 'friends'."

"You mean Elena, the person I had been able to not think about this entire time...until right this second, thanks," She replied as the familiar wave of guilt washed over her.

"Bon, you have nothing to feel guilty about, 'we' have nothing to feel guilty about. Elena dumped us remember?"

"After she found out that we've been screwing around behind her back," Bonnie threw out as she turned to stare at him, baffled by his sudden 'I don't give a shit' attitude when it came to Elena and how they'd betrayed her.

"Due to supernatural circumstances beyond our control," Damon defended.

"Damon the last couple of times were well in our control, in fact just a couple of hours ago you initiated..."

"Yeah and you willingly complied and thoroughly enjoyed every second of it," He interjected, speaking what they both knew to be the truth.

"Yes, thus confirming my point that we're both horrible people who betrayed someone we love," She huffed out as she crossed her arms across her chest, and looked out the window. "Where are we?" She asked as her eyes lit up at the huge gothic looking building they were driving to, which had a line going around both sides of the building with droves of people looking desperate to get inside.

"Look, if you want to feel guilty about what we've done, be my guest, but don't bitch at me incessantly because I don't. People cheat all the time, and they fall in and out of love all the time Bonnie. Just take me, Stefan, and Elena for example. I know my brother felt betrayed and hurt when Elena chose me over him, but he got over it. And eventually he forgave us and moved on, because he finally understood that the heart wants what it wants and it will not be denied. Now let's go shake our groove things," He finished around a smile as he pulled his car right to the front entrance of the building and parked. Bonnie's mind reeled over the implication of Damon's words, but before she could further imagine that he was making some declaration of affection for her, the passenger side door opened, and some man offered her his hand.

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