Chapter 4

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"So you think that that dead kid and that music box," Damon began to question as he pointed at the box Bonnie held and traced delicately with her fingers. "Has something to do with what happened to me and Witchy?"

"Yeah I think it's highly possible," Stefan replied as the four of them once again stood in the Salvatore kitchen. "They were right in the same area where we found you two last night," He added and Elena's brow bunched a bit at the revelation.

"He's right they were," She concurred but then shook her head a bit as if to refocus. "But I still think we need to call the sheriff. It's not right to just bury him on your back property. That little boy belonged to someone and they're probably looking for him right now, hoping he's alive."

"Boy, aren't they going to be very disappointed," Damon threw out distastefully as he gulped back the shot of Bourbon he held. Stefan threw him a disapproving look that matched Elena's who added an eye roll and shake of her head.

"It's connected," Bonnie finally interjected into the conversation as her eyes remained locked onto the box. "This music box and that boy's body, they both reek of dark magic...the same dark magic I felt last night," She added as she lifted her head and looked directly at Damon, who already had his intense gaze locked to her. "And..." She snapped her eyes back to the box. "There's like a residue on the box," She moved one hand from the box and rubbed her fingers together as if to remove said residue. "Blue dust,"

"I don't see anything," Elena stated as she moved closer to her friend.

"Trust me it's all over this box and that boy's body was covered with it too," Bonnie said.

"Does that blue dust look anything like the blue mist we saw?" Damon asked even though he already had a suspicion it did. Bonnie only nodded in reply.

"Ok, well can you see or sense anything else from the box?" Stefan asked. Bonnie took a deep breath closed her eyes and started to mumble a chat. Suddenly images began to flash inside Bonnie's head, followed by sounds in her ears, smells overwhelming her nose, and different tastes filling her mouth. She knew that she was experiencing lifetimes, hundreds of different lifetimes. When it became too much she quickly opened her eyes disconnecting from it, and let out a gasp expelling a blue mist from her mouth before falling. Damon flashed to her, catching her before she crumbled to the floor and before Stefan could reach her. He gently cradled her in his arms as he moved them into the livingroom, settled her on one of the sofa's, and kneeled beside her clutching her right hand. Elena and Stefan moved quickly behind them. Elena sat beside her friend, stroking her hair from her face. Both Elena and Stefan were so concerned for Bonnie's welfare neither seemed to notice the way Damon stroked his thumb against the back of her hand, nor the way he scowl and his eyes held an almost helpless, desperate look. After a few intense seconds Bonnie's eye fluttered open and scanned around to find three concerned looking faces staring down at her.

"Thank God, Bon are you ok?" Elena was the first to ask.

"Yeah," Bonnie replied as she moved to sit up and immediately realized that she was being restricted from doing so because she didn't have her right hand. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw Damon still holding her hand, and she slipped the hand from his grasped in a manner she hoped wouldn't evoke the attention of either Stefan or Elena, thankfully it seemed both were too worried about her to actually notice.

"What happened Bonnie, what did you sense?" Stefan asked as he took a step closer.

"Uhm..." She hesitated, she was pretty sure she fully understood what was happening with her and Damon but she wasn't sure she wanted to let the other's in on that knowledge just yet. She cast a glance at Damon that she hope relayed something to him and the way he squinted back at her told her he knew something was up. "There were flashes of scenes...kind of like watching a movie, and there were sounds and smells," She closed her eyes and shook her head a bit as if to shake off some remnant of what she had experienced. "It's all so jumbled and didn't really make any sense. But one thing I can tell you is that no one is looking for that little boy. I got a flash of him at a party, a New Year's party...back in 1902," The others looked at her astonished and confused. "And I think it was in New Orleans."

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