Chapter 6

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"Thank you for the gifts," Elena said as she leaned up and gave Damon a kiss. "I'm sorry I got so mad with you," she added as she and Damon walked hand in hand through the Whitmore halls. "Bonnie told me that she thinks whatever was in that little boy and that music box it has now attached on to you two," Damon arched his brow a bit surprised that Bonnie had hinted at their possession, since she had been so vehement about keeping it a secret. He was also a bit disappointed for some reason he kind of didn't want anyone else to know about the possession, because it was theirs. "She said that such dark magic can make you say and do things you normally wouldn't say or do. I just wish we knew how to fix this," She spoke as she lifted her free hand to the back of her neck and rubbed it as she rolled her shoulders. "Stefan and I didn't find anything about that little boy or that music box, not even with the info Bonnie gave us."

"Don't worry Witchy and I have been tossing around an idea and we're gonna work on some..." Damon's words paused as his eyes seemed to be drawn to a spot where they landed on Bonnie. She stood further down the hall talking and giggling with some guy Damon didn't recognize.

"Damon?" Elena's voice drew back his attention. "You were saying something about you and Bonnie working on something, is it some kind of counter spell?"

"Yeah, something like that. She and I are going to work on it later," He replied only half listening. "Who is that?" He asked as he continued to stare at the couple down the hall. Elena followed his gaze until her eyes landed on Bonnie.

"Bonnie," She answered with a teasing smile as Damon tossed her a playful glare. "And a fellow student and classmate of ours, his name is Gerard. He's an exchange student from Scotland and I think he's got a major crush on Bon-Bon," Elena said with a pleased smile, genuinely happy at the idea of Bonnie dating again after how things ended between her and Jeremy a month back. As they made their way down to Bonnie and Gerard, Damon seemed to sneer at the young man who was making Bonnie smile and twirl her finger in her hair.

(Oh stop that, it makes you look desperate)

The sudden words made Bonnie jump slightly as she shot her head around fully expecting to see Damon standing right behind her, but only found empty space. Then she realized that he was speaking inside her head. She let her eyes dart about the corridor in search of him, as a few students bustled about trying to get to their next class.

(And now you look like a crazy person)

She could hear the laughter in his voice, and could imagine the smirk on his face just as her eyes finally landed on him as he and Elena were a few feet away. Bonnie cast a quick look at Gerard and was thankful that he was busy inputting her number into his phone that he hadn't noticed anything.

(God, don't do that Damon!)

She barked back at him telepathically giving him the evil eye as he and Elena stopped right before them.

"Hey Bonnie...Gerard," Elena greeted with a grin and quirk of her brow that told Bonnie her friend was going to try to play match maker. Normally Bonnie would have welcomed the assistance but given recent events she figured she had enough men wanting her body, though she knew neither men were hers nor truly loved her.

"Hey you two," Bonnie replied as she noted Damon and Elena's entwined hands and the sight hurt and angered her a bit, which she tried to brush off by plastering on a fake smile. As if sensing Bonnie's feelings, Damon pulled his hands from Elena's and quickly extended the hand out to Gerard.

"I'm Damon," He said to the other man.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Damon this is Gerard McLeod, Gerard this is my boyfriend Damon Salvatore," Elena introduced.

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