Chapter 7

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Back at Bonnie's House


Damon had spent the last 45 minutes explaining to Elena, Stefan, and Caroline all that had been going on with him and Bonnie and their possessors. He excluded some of their more intimate moments to spare Elena's feelings.

"So when these...these other people take over you and Bon lose complete control?" Elena asked and Damon nodded.

"We're aware sometimes, like that first night when we first became possessed. That night we were fully conscious we could speak to each other but we had no control over our bodies or what we were doing," Damon said causing Elena's curious mind to race, but before she could interrogate him further he continued. "Other times it's like being locked in a room and being made to watch yourself do things you have no control over and you have no voice. But mostly you just lose time completely. This past week I have awoken in some crazy places."

"My God, that most have been terrifying for Bonnie," Caroline responded and Damon frowned up a bit at the lack of concern for him.

"Actually Bonnie has been safe, she's been locked away in this house the past week. Apparently the mojo she's put on this place has protected her."

"Wait she told me...."

"Yeah I know," Damon cut off Elena's words again. "She lied because she needed the time to work on a spell to get us both de-possessed."

"Guess she didn't," Stefan stated finally joining in on the conversation.

"C'mon now you should know by now when my little witch puts her mind to something..." Damon said with a slight smile as he looked over to where Bonnie's unconscious form lay on the sofa with Caroline seated next to her on the floor, occasionally stroking her hair. "She found a way, a cloaking spell. She mojo'd some rings and it worked, at least it did for me. Bonnie forgot her ring here before we left out."

"So that was the lady possessing Bon, the reason why she was acting like that...the way she was dancing with you," Elena said nodding recalling the scene she had witnessed earlier between Damon and Bonnie on the dance floor.

"Yeah and not just any lady, the one in that picture your Scottish friend showed us," Damon announced. "And the guy in that pic, he's the one inside of me."

"Are you sure?" Stefan asked as he scowled more and folded his arms across his chest.

"Yeah," Damon said as he nodded his head. "Lovely confirmed it, that's 'her' name and his is Darius. According to Bonnie they have been together for a very long time, and probably much longer than their brief time in Scotland."

"I wonder how long," Elena spoke and stared at Bonnie and then gasped slightly when Bonnie's eyes suddenly opened and looked directly at her.

"Since the time of Pharaohs," Bonnie stated as she remained in her resting position on the couch.

"Bonnie," Caroline said excitedly as she reached out to hug her friend.

"That's not Bonnie," Damon spoke as green eyes locked with blue eyes and stilling Caroline's actions. "How are you still in control? The spell over this house should block you."

"It does...somewhat...I cannot move," Lovely answered. "But I think you took a little too much blood, the little witch is still unconscious, so I'm able to cling on to this consciousness."

"Maybe we should go to the hospital," Elena suggested.

"Bon's fine, her heartbeat is strong," Damon replied with a shake of his head as his eyes studied Bonnie's face. "What do you want?" He directed to Lovely who smiled prettily at him. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat at the sight. He wondered if Bonnie had always looked so breathtaking when she smiled, and why hadn't he noticed before.

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