Come on in (Chapter 7)

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I fell asleep again that night. I just couldn't handle things. I couldn't believe anything that was happening. I woke with Antonio sitting in the chair in my bedroom staring at me. I woke and saw him there " An..Antonio.. what are you still doing here?" He stood next to my bed " I couldn't leave you last night... anyways can you come in to the station with me." I looked at Antonio " Why..?" He looked at me " We never got your initial statement, Voight just wants to get everything clear." I looked at him " will you be there..?" Antonio hugged me " of course!" I got dressed and we left. I wasn't sure what to think. It made me nervous since Voight was going to be the one that was going to interrogate me. I know he helped out with finding Shay's murderer, but I still couldn't trust him. He was still the same guy that was bad news. I couldn't think of him as a better person. Antonio brought us up to the bullpen. Voight walked out of his office " Hey Gabby, thanks for coming in.." I just looked at him " Anything for Matt!" Voight led me into the interview room and Antonio inturupted him " I'm gonna join." Voight looked at him " okay!"

I sat down and got as comfortable as I could. Voight looked across the table at Antonio and then back at me " You and Matt work togtether?" I looked at him " yes, he's my lieutenant and friend!" He looked at me " friend?.. there's nothing.. romantic there?" I cleared my throat " we were engaged..." Voight smiled " what happened there?" Antonio interrupted him " come on.. get to the point." Voight looked at me " Did you know the girl that was in his apartment?" I looked at Antonio " no... I think she was one of the girls that worked at Stilettos.." He looked at me " and... what were you doing at his apartment?" I started to tear " I had to tell him something... you know I can't do this.." Antonio chased me as I ran away. He yelled " Gabby! Stop!" I cried " Antonio! this is helping find him! I don't want to be a single mother! I can't do this!!"

I didn't know if Antonio could help this. I wanted him to though.

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