Telling the truth ( Chapter 20)

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Matt and I have been keeping a secret from everyone. That would be the secret of the pregnancy. The only people who know are chief and Brett. I didn't really want to tell anyone until I was at least 3 months. I just felt that Matt and I are in a good place now. It is almost like we are getting to where we were before. I love him and I just want him to be in my life. Today we were going to tell everyone though. I was nervous because I didn't know how they would react. It was going to be hard. 

We arrived at work and everyone was in the kitchen. I knew it wasn't going to be easy breaking the news, but the truth had to come out sometime. I stood up and looked at everyone, they looked at me and then they knew something was up. They all looked at me as I was standing there  " Guys I have to tell you all something.." Matt stood up next to me " Well... we both do!" I smiled " I'm sure you all are wondering why I had to step down from truck.. It wasn't an easy decision. There is a reason for that though... I'm pregnant.." Casey looked at everyone and just smiled " Were pregnant.." Cruz looked at us and laughed  " You too?!.." Hermann looked at me " wow... when did all this happen?" I smiled " a while ago.. after the Chicago med thing..." Everyone just continued to look. I smiled " so for now I'm off truck.. and I'm going to try and stick around here. I'll be helping out Brett and Chilli on Ambo.." Chill smiled " great!" 

Everyone honestly took the news better than I thought they would! Severide came up to the both of us " I'm happy for you guys! Your gonna make great parents.." 

Ok that is it! I just wanted to do a little reveal. I know this might be a little confusing. Ok so I'm gonna clear some things up for you. Ok so Gabby didn't tell everyone she was pregnant. It was just Boden and Antonio that knew. Well Voight knows too, but Gabby doesn't know that. Well yet.. She left truck, but they didn't know why until now. I hope that clears things up. A new chapter is coming real soon!

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