an emergency (Chapter 43)

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Matt Casey's POV

The nurse looked at me as we walked out of the OR. I looked at her " What the hell is happening?" She looked at me " I wouldn't be able to tell you.. the doctor will tell you when we know.." She walked back into the OR " Doctor... What is it..?" He looked at her " She's loosing a lot of blood.." They hung some blood and tried to get her back to shape. She started to regain conciseness and come back. She looked around " What.. happened.." The doctor looked at her " You had a baby girl! Your okay now.." 

This was hard. I couldn't do anything right now. Antonio came towards me " man... what happened?" I looked at him " We had a baby girl... and something happened.." He looked at me " What.." I looked at Antonio, and then saw the doctor " oh heres.. the doctor.." The doctor looked at me " She's okay... She lost blood, but she's stable!" Antonio looked at him " What about the baby.." He smiled " She's healthy!" 

That's it for this chapter! Thank you all for reading and for continuing this journey with me. This story has been so much fun for me to write. I have been thinking about not naming their daughter though. The reason for that is that I wanted everything to line up with the show, but if their child isn't a girl in the show it wouldn't matter. I decided to go off of that. She will have a name that I picked out. This story will have some update in the future, but it won't be relating to this season too much! The beginning is inspired by the show, but has taken a path that I like. That is something I would love to do for the end of every season. Also If you guys would like it I could do it for mud-season finales too..! Depending how shocking or what happens! 

Thanks again for reading and look for a new chapter next week!!! 

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