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Yuki ascended the flight of stairs, making her way towards the main hall of the school. It was within the walls of this grand hall that the much-anticipated conference meeting was scheduled to take place. This was the designated space where they would gather, exchange ideas, and engage in fruitful discussions.

Continuing on her way to the meeting, uncertainty still lingered in her mind regarding what exactly it would entail. However, throughout her journey, the rumors surrounding this enigmatic Hanako girl gradually grew louder, seeping into her consciousness with increasing intensity. Inevitably, these whispered tales began to shape her perception, leading her to contemplate the high probability of Hanako being a topic of discussion during the impending gathering.

While acknowledging the potential fallibility of her assumptions, the growing prevalence of these rumors instilled a sense of curiosity and anticipation within her.

As she strolled down the seemingly never-ending hallway, she couldn't help but feel like it stretched out infinitely. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally arrived at the end and turned left. It was at this moment that she was met with a door adorned with a conference room sign, indicating that she had reached her destination.

Without bothering to knock, she casually grasped the handle of the door and effortlessly glided it open. The entire room, filled with people engrossed in lively conversations around the table, abruptly fell into silence as all heads turned simultaneously to gaze at the unexpected entrance. And there, standing poised and serene, was Yuki, quietly commanding attention.

Upon realizing that she had caught the attention of the higher-ranking individuals in the room, she warmly extended greetings to each and every one of them before gracefully shutting the door behind her. I took a seat in the last open chair that was in front of the door.

Yuki settled herself down in a composed manner, her unwavering gaze demonstrating her unwavering determination.

With one leg gracefully crossed over the other, she folded her arms, emanating an air of confidence and authority through her posture. Locked in a compelling stare, her eyes met the intense gaze of Yoshinobu Gakuganji, the principal of the school she was currently attending, who was seated opposite her. Alongside him sat Masamichi Yaga, the principal of the prestigious second school in Tokyo.

A hush fell over the room, and all eyes turned towards the three individuals who stood at the center, capturing everyone's attention. The air was thick with a sense of eager expectancy as every individual present speculated on the weighty topics that would undoubtedly be deliberated upon during this gathering of esteemed educational authorities.

She cleared her throat. "Are we going to stare at each other or start the meeting?" she said, her words slicing through the tension like a knife.

Gakuganji folded his arms and looked away, his tone dismissive. "If you're going to be so impatient, then maybe you should go."

Yuki smiled sardonically. "With such an intriguing offer, I normally would," she said. "It's not like I came here because I desperately wanted to. But as a courtesy, Whatever is going on must be very important if someone like me needs to join the meeting in the first place."

Her eyes squinted in response to the cutting words that Yoshinobu uttered as if they were sharp arrows piercing through the atmosphere. "You certainly don't possess any exceptional qualities that warrant your presence here," Gakuganji sneered, his voice oozing with contemptuousness.

Yuki rose from her seat with deliberate slowness, her eyes fixed firmly ahead. With unwavering determination, she confronted the person before her. "If that's the case, then why was I even invited here in the first place?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a sharp edge. Her words left no room for doubt or hesitation, as she made it clear that she had no qualms about exiting the situation if necessary.

All eyes turned to Masamichi Yaga, who had spoken ahead of Yoshinobu Gakuganji. "You're here because I personally asked for you to join," he said, his voice calm and measured.

Yuki's eyes widened in surprise. She had been expecting Gakuganji to speak, but not Yaga. She glanced around the room, noting the curious expressions on the faces of the other attendees.

Feeling a wave of astonishment wash over her, she quickly scanned the room, observing the inquisitive looks on the faces of her fellow attendees.

Her lips formed a tight line of irritation while Mr. Yaga continued to speak monotonously. She shifted her gaze towards the clock hanging on the wall, squinting her eyes in frustration upon realizing the significant amount of time that had already been squandered.

"Then, can we get started?" He said, his voice cutting through the air. "As Ms. Tsukumo said earlier, none of us have a full day for this meeting."

Yuki reclined in her seat, folding her arms tightly across her chest. Her countenance displayed a clear manifestation of impatience, as her eyes continuously shifted from the clock hanging on the wall to the individuals gathered around the table.

While she sat in the meeting room, a wave of unease washed over her, making her unable to shake off the nagging feeling. The question that kept lingering in her mind was why Masamichi Yaga, out of everyone else, had specifically asked for her presence at this important gathering. What could possibly be the crucial matter that demanded her undivided attention and warranted such a specific request?

Her curiosity gnawed at her, intensifying her unease even further.

The individuals in positions of authority are well aware of her disdain for their methods and procedures. The atmosphere in the room was filled with an intense sense of anticipation. Each and every person present was eagerly awaiting the revelation of the motive behind this planned assembly.

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