Part 3

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"You shouldn't be doing this, our Supreme."

Rag'ell looked at his subordinate with disapproval.

Although the words were spoken with great respect and modesty, it was not the youth's place to comment on or even question his leader's decision.

The young Ardanian, realising his overstep, lowered his head and added in an uncertain voice: "We are concerned about you, my lord, you are putting yourself at unnecessary risk."

"Risk? Do you think these humans can threaten me in any way? That any of them is a match for me?"

The assistant shook his head, preferring to remain silent. However, he wasn't the only one who didn't understand the Supreme's decision to descend on the besieged planet, let alone the place where skirmishes with the rebels were still raging.

There was no doubt, though, that their fearless leader was not only a brilliant tactician, but also a skilled warrior. Because only one who had undergone severe physical training, as well as a series of mental tests, could be chosen as their Supreme.

And Rag'ell succeeded as the youngest in the history of their world. He was the ultimate leader, and all Ardanians rightly looked up to him. No one would dare challenge his claim to the title of the Supreme. He was truly the best of all.

The assistant said nothing more and quietly helped Rag'ell into the special battle suit used by their troops.

Almost nothing penetrated the dark garment, made of a durable yet flexible material. High boots with special soles adapted to the Earth's slightly different gravity allowed them to move easily on the foreign planet. And the side holsters carried the most devastating of firearms.

But the best of Ardanian's technology was hidden in a wide metal bracelet on his forearm. It contained an electromagnetic shield generator that, when activated, could protect its wearer from any blast or missile. 

The high cost of production and the enormous power requirements of this device made it impossible for ordinary soldiers to use it. Usually only officers and military commanders were equipped with it.

The leader of all Ardanians blinked to clear the uncomfortable feeling in his eyes. The contact lenses that were supposed to protect him from the sun's rays felt uncomfortable.

He quickly pulled his long white hair back so it wouldn't get in the way when putting on the helmet.

"The button on the right side of the helmet activates the air filter," explained the young assistant.

"But the atmosphere on Earth is breathable," Rag'ell argued.

"It is, but the pollutants in the air exceed the limits in certain places. Certainly it won't endanger your life immediately, but in the long run I recommend..."

"I can handle that," he interrupted impatiently, gazing through the mothership's porthole at the beautiful blue planet. Soon he would set foot on S3PL8, or Earth as its inhabitants called it.

The hydraulic doors opened and two Ardanians in battle suits entered the control room. They bowed to their leader, "The transporter is ready, our Supreme.

Rag'ell nodded, feeling a little nervous. This huge ship had been his home for many days, he couldn't remember when he had last left it. But the thought of seeing this strange planet stirred an excitement in him.

Accompanied by his soldiers, he walked down a long, sterile corridor to a large hangar bay where a transporter was waiting for him. It would take him and a unit of the best Ardanian warriors to their base on the surface.

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