Part 15

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Gabriel had a strange feeling.

He was happy, relaxed and in bed with a really good-looking guy, although the word 'good-looking' didn't even begin to describe how amazing Rag'ell looked, sitting between the satin sheets with not a single piece of clothing on, his silvery hair cascading down his back.

On top of that, they were on a spaceship, in private rooms with every comfort and a breathtaking view of planet Earth and the vast universe.

Everything seemed perfect.

Except that he felt like a traitor.

For he was in bed with the Silver-Haired Butcher, the one who had conquered his home planet, enslaved all humanity and called himself their master.

In the heat of the moment, it was easy to forget that this beautiful young man was his sworn enemy, the enemy of all Earth. That he was the one Gabriel had been planning to eliminate for months. 

Rag'ell, sitting next to him on the bed, took another hakkri from the bowl and reached for another as soon as he had eaten it. It was obvious that he really liked the strange orange fruit, and Gabriel couldn't help smiling.

"You don't like it?" The Supreme asked, pushing the bowl between them so the Earthling could take one as well.

"Not really," he grimaced.

Still, he took a piece, put the fruit in his mouth, but didn't eat it; he held the orange hakkri between his teeth, then brought his mouth to Rag'ell's, and only when they were firmly joined did he bite into the fruit.

He could feel the bittersweet taste spilling over his tongue, mixing with the taste of the Ardanian's mouth.

"Well, maybe I could get used to it," Gabriel smiled and took another, but this time he put it directly into the other man's mouth, who willingly shared it in the same way as before.

The next kiss lasted longer, and when they finally parted, those purple eyes glittered with quickly returning desire. "You Earthlings have a strange habit of putting everything in your mouths," he breathed, his fingers lightly touching the captive's lips.

"You didn't complain before," the dark-haired man grinned, watching Rag'ell, who must have recalled the moment he discovered what Gabriel's wicked mouth could do.

"And what strange habits do the Ardanians have?" He asked curiously, lightly biting one of the fingers that kept caressing his lips.

In his mind, he scolded himself for falling so easily for the Ardanian's charms and realised that he would have to be more careful not to get involved. He needed to constantly remind himself that this was his enemy and that he was only doing this to get closer to him and to use Rag'ell's affections to gain some advantage.

"Probably nothing you'd find interesting," Rag'ell glanced at his prisoner, unable to resist the urge to run his fingers through the tousled black hair. "We're not like humans, our sexual interactions are not so... inventive."

"Which means boring."

"For a human it probably is. But you have to understand that sexual encounters are not that important for Ardanians, moreover it's a very private matter, so I have no idea what goes on in the bedrooms of others."

"No wonder people find the Ardanians uptight."

Rag'ell looked at him for a moment, then moved his hand down to Gabriel's neck, the expression on the Supreme's face showing that his mind was wandering back to their recently ended encounter, and that he wouldn't mind if they explored things a little further.

"I have never met a race so controlled by their sexual desires as humans. Your information network is full of it, as if you think of nothing else."

"And what are you thinking about now?" Gabriel smiled and gave him a knowing look. Then he leaned closer, as if to kiss him again, and watched as the Ardanian trembled eagerly in anticipation of their lips meeting again. But the kiss did not happen.

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