Part 14

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I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be doing this, went through Rag'ell's mind as he laid Gabriel down on the bed, as he unbuttoned the Ardanian uniform, as his fingers eagerly slipped under the fabric of the thin shirt and touched the other man's hot skin.

Such intimate contact with another race was strictly forbidden. But the main reason for this restriction was to prevent the genes of the two races from mixing, for there was no telling what might result from such a pairing. But that could not happen with the two of them.

Nevertheless, breaking this rule was considered highly unethical, especially since he was supposed to be the best of the Ardanians, an example to all. Instead, he acted like a primitive, driven by his basic instincts.

Yet he couldn't stop it.

He couldn't tear his lips away from Gabriel's, he couldn't get enough of that hot mouth and the addictive taste filled his mind with ever more wild fantasies.

Rag'ell had never experienced anything like it in his life. Something so intense, so powerful, so feral. Something that made him want to rip off the other man's clothes and explore every part of his body.

The dark-haired man was also trying to unbutton the top of Rag'ell's Ardanian uniform, which differed from Gabriel's only by the sewn-on insignia emphasising his title as the Supreme.

The title he hardly deserved, given his current behaviour.

However, as the nimble fingers of their prisoner reached under the fabric of his clothing and brushed across his bare chest, any thoughts of how inappropriate and immoral the whole thing was quickly vanished.

And when those wicked fingers descended even lower to the fastening of his trousers, he had to stop the daring hand, even though he wanted nothing more than for the other man to touch him right there.

But it was all happening too fast. Rag'all needed some time to process it, and if something like this was really going to happen, it had to be on his own terms.

Besides, as Gabriel himself had pointed out, he couldn't trust this human, so he had to maintain at least a shred of reason. Unfortunately, he was losing his ability to think clearly with each passing moment.

"No," he gripped both of the prisoner's wrists. "It will be as I say. Either you obey me or we stop now."

He expected to see that familiar defiance in those blue eyes, but this time he was wrong. Instead, the dark-haired man smiled at him and nodded in agreement.

"Put both hands behind your head and keep them there until I tell you otherwise," Rag'ell ordered.

"As you wish, my Supreme," he said, and although there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Gabriel carried out the order to the letter.

It was the first time the human had willingly done exactly as Rag'ell had commanded, and such a seemingly small thing was enough to send another wave of excitement through the Ardanian's body.

"I wouldn't have believed you were capable of being so obedient."

"I told you the bed was the only place I would submit to you," those beautiful eyes glittered with desire, and the Supreme wished he could believe this wasn't some kind of trick to deceive him.

"I wonder how long this humility of yours will last," he murmured in a half-whisper, his eager eyes running over Gabriel as he lay on the bed before him.

In one swift motion, he pushed aside the unbuttoned white shirt to reveal as much of the man's chest as possible. Then he ran his fingers along the line of the muscles, his hands trembling with impatience as he moved them lower down the flat stomach and then even further.

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