Part 10

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Meanwhile, Gabriel was preoccupied with very different thoughts.

Specifically, he was trying to devise a plan to make the most of Rag'ell's somewhat affectionate feelings for him, and to eliminate the Supreme once and for all.

This made him rethink his current approach; he had eaten, showered and even considered changing into the light blue Ardanian uniform, even though the mere sight of the enemy's clothing made his blood boil.

But he restrained himself. It had to look like he was trying to cooperate.

It felt good to wash off all the dirt, dust and blood, and the clean clothes were tempting as well.

After a few minutes of reflection, he told himself that it didn't matter whose uniform he wore, as long as his heart remained true to Earth and its people.

With a few quick movements, he put on the Ardanian uniform. The clothes felt different, cool against his skin. He wondered what kind of material it might be. He also noticed that the room wasn't so cold anymore.

Ever since his conversation with Rag'ell, he had been wondering how to proceed. He realised that his opponent was much stronger and more experienced in hand-to-hand combat, as the Ardanian had proved in their previous confrontation.

Therefore Gabriel would have to take his enemy by surprise. And to do that, he would need a weapon.

The room had obviously never been intended as a prisoner's cell, it was a standard soldier's quarters and so common everyday things could be found there.

Which of these could be used as a weapon?

The cutlery he was given to eat with resembled an ordinary spoon and fork. They were made of very fragile material and therefore unsuitable for combat.

In the miniature bathroom, where he could barely turn around, there appeared to be nothing of use except a shower and basic toilet facilities. 

He examined the metal shower head, but it couldn't be removed and the water was controlled by buttons on the wall. The control panel was covered by a transparent material that looked like glass or plastic.

After a moment's thought, he smashed it with his elbow. A network of cracks formed. Ignoring the pain, he struck again. There was a sound of breaking glass and the cover shattered into several smaller pieces that hit the shower floor with a clatter.

Gabriel bent down and picked out the largest shard, about five centimetres long.

Just then he heard the hydraulic door in the next room open. He stood up quickly and hid the improvised blade in his right sleeve.

Then he stepped back into the room.

Rag'ell stood in the doorway.

Gabriel stopped short, surprised that the Supreme had come to see him again on the same day, and now at this late hour.

"Have you come to check if I've eaten my dinner?" The prisoner broke the tense silence.

Rag'ell looked at the empty plate and then at the bowl of fruit.

"So you don't like it?" He remarked, pointing to the orange hakkri.

"Hm, they're not bad, but I thought I'd leave them for you since you like them so much," Gabriel lied without blinking, watching Rag'ell's reaction carefully.

Something was wrong with the Ardanian, he seemed distracted, unfocused, and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. The room really wasn't that cold anymore, and he clearly wasn't taking the change well.

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