Part 11

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Rag'ell had no idea what to expect when his lips pressed against Gabriel's.

At first he felt it was wet, soft, hot. Unusual. And then he closed his eyes and let his instincts guide him. He tried to match the movements of his mouth to those of the other man, cautiously at first, then more confidently as they went on. 

He felt Gabriel's tongue flick lightly over his lips, as if asking permission to slip inside. And he eagerly complied.

The Ardanian shivered with an unfamiliar sensation as the wicked tongue began to explore his mouth. Softly and slowly, and after a while with more determination. And with each passing moment, greater waves of arousal washed over him, and he couldn't understand how something that should have been repulsive and unhygienic could feel so indescribably pleasurable and wonderful.

He tried doing the same, his tongue engaging in the game. The careful and gentle kiss quickly became wild and lustful.

Rag'ell still held the Earthling's wrist with one hand, but with the other he ran his fingers through the dishevelled black hair, pulling the man as close as he could. At the same time, he pressed his body even tighter against the prisoner's, who was already completely trapped between him and the wall.

Gabriel allowed him to, surrendering completely to Rag'ell and his conquering kiss, letting him taste and explore every corner of that hot mouth.

And the silver-haired Ardanian couldn't get enough. He didn't understand why he had such intense feelings for a human, and a male at that.

How ironic, how absurd, how crazy.

He must have gone mad. All the thoughts running through his head, all the images of what he wanted to do with this man, completely clouded his rational mind.

"And I've heard that Ardanians don't kiss," Gabriel whispered breathlessly when they finally parted.

"No, it's not really our custom," he replied after a moment, his hungry gaze slipping back to the captive's lips, swollen from the wild kisses.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Just a little... experiment," he smiled, looking into those magnificent blue eyes full of heat. But now it wasn't the fire of defiance he was used to seeing, but the fire of desire.

"And what do you think of this experiment?"

"I don't know yet, I think I need more information," the Supreme said as his mouth locked with Gabriel's again. The passionate kiss that followed stripped him of the last shreds of judgement.

Still clutching the other man's hands, he moved him towards the bed and pushed him backwards between the meticulously made blankets. His long silvery hair came loose and fluttered around his face as he bent down, pinning the Earthling beneath him and reclaiming the man's hot lips.

He remembered seeing Gabriel's body, covered only by a towel, on the security camera footage earlier and longed to see that again. He wanted to rip the Ardanian's clothes off the other man, strip him naked and look at him. And then to taste not just his lips, but every exposed inch of that hot smooth skin.

Rag'ell wished he could take his clothes off as well, finding them restrictive and uncomfortable. And not just because the room was unbearably warm and he could feel the drops of sweat trickling down his neck and back.

They continued to kiss with fierce abandon, Rag'ell pressing against Gabriel as he lay beneath him, with one hand still holding his wrists above his head, the other clumsily trying to undo the top buttons of Cassel's uniform.

"People tell jokes amongst themselves that you don't even know what sex is," the Earthling whispered as their lips parted for a moment, "that you're as cold as ice and that you breed in laboratories," he arched his back and rubbed against the Ardanian's body, which responded to their passionate activities with the same intensity as Gabriel's. "But that doesn't seem to be the truth."

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