Part 27

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Gabriel's fingers moved over the piano keyboard with precision, and the room was filled with a melody that no one on this huge spaceship had ever heard before.

Nor could any of them hear it now, for the private chambers of the Supreme were far from the quarters of the others.

Therefore, Rag'ell was the only Ardanian to discover the beauty of piano tones in one of Earth's most difficult compositions.

Gabriel was aware the Supreme had entered and that he had been listening in silence for several minutes. Despite this, and perhaps because of it, he did not stop, but continued with even greater effort.

It was difficult to play by heart, he made many mistakes, but he felt satisfaction and joy that he had remembered his mother's favourite song and had managed to play it to the end.

"I've never heard anything like it," Rag'ell said after the last notes had been played. "It's beautiful."

The Earthling at the piano looked away from the white and black keys and turned to his lover.

"The piano is a little out of tune, but that's to be expected," he remarked, smiling as his blue eyes met those purple ones. "Thank you, it's very thoughtful of you."

The piano was something familiar, human, something that reminded him of home, childhood, family. Most of all, it reminded him of his mother. He remembered how she could sit for hours, listening quietly as he played.

"I'm glad you like it, I remember you saying you played the piano."

"I did, but it was a long time ago. I am out of practice."

"Can I try it?" Rag'ell asked. "It seems so easy."

"Oh, it's not," the dark-haired pianist smiled and moved to the side of the narrow bench so that the Supreme could sit beside him.

The Earthling put his fingers back on the keyboard and slowly played a few tones of a simple children's song with his left hand.

"Try repeating it," he urged Rag'ell, who watched him closely and then copied his teacher flawlessly.

He's good, Gabriel thought, seeing that the Supreme had no trouble remembering the tune or keeping the right rhythm. As he had seen before, the best of the Ardanians was truly gifted in every way, and now it seemed that one of his undeniable qualities was an ear for music.

"All right, now this," he prompted, adding a few more tones, which his exceptionally gifted pupil played with ease.

"Great, now try the whole sequence."

It didn't take long for Rag'ell to memorise the whole melody. When Gabriel was confident that his student could play the short piece perfectly, he joined in with his own motive. Together it sounded beautiful, the two complementing each other and creating a wonderful improvisation.

It reminded Gabriel of the times he used to sit at the piano with his sisters and teach them to play their favourite songs.

The beautiful tones of the piano once again echoed through the room, and although it was no longer the work of the musical maestros, that simple childhood melody still resonated deeply in Gabriel's heart.

"We're good together," the dark-haired rebel smiled happily as they finished playing.

"I'm glad you think so," Rag'ell nodded, giving his lover a searching look, "and I think we'd be good together in other ways too. If you'd give it a chance."

Gabriel let the suggestion pass with silence. He didn't want to get into that kind of discussion.

Instead of answering, he got up from the piano and stretched. He didn't even know how long he'd been playing. Judging by the stiffness of his neck, it had been quite a while.

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