Part 21

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Gabriel was back with his friends, who had been wildly celebrating his return.

Wine was flowing, and not just wine, for the rebels had even managed to find bottles of some hard liquor. They also got something better to eat than the expired canned food that was their usual menu.

Well, a party with all the trimmings.

The rebels rarely had cause for general merriment, and they wanted to welcome the return of their fearless leader properly.

The abandoned underground car park of the former shopping centre proved to be a fitting venue for the wild party, and when Eric managed to get some speakers working, the underground car park began to shake with loud music. Some of the rebels even started dancing on the roofs of rusting car wrecks.

Despite the wild celebrations and the alcohol in his blood, Gabriel felt down. He watched his friends having fun and celebrating, and observed how happy they were to have him back.

Of course, he was also glad to see his friends, hugging Garret and Eric, saying hello to Alexa, and even Michael, who usually couldn't stand him, shook his hand warmly.

Michael and Matthew returned to the rebels, along with all the others who had left before the suicide attack on Rag'ell.

Rag'ell, the Silver-Haired Butcher.

The Supreme of the Ardanians.

Gabriel's lover.

He didn't want to think about him, didn't want to reminisce endlessly about the days they had spent together.

Damn it.

He missed Rag'ell.

He scolded himself for being weak.

How many times had he said goodbye to a guy he'd picked up in a bar somewhere the morning after a night together, knowing they'd never see each other again, and felt no remorse. He felt nothing but relief.

This shouldn't be any different.

Still, he felt miserable.

And Matthew, who kept trying to get his attention, kept touching him, and once even kissed him briefly, didn't improve his mood either.

The boy's attempts to get close to him were incredibly annoying.

He had to get away. Away from the noise, away from the drunken fun, away from everyone.

He took advantage of a moment of inattention to sneak out.

Gabriel didn't drink as much as the others, but he still felt dizzy and it took him a while to get out of the underground garages.

He stopped in front of a half-decayed department store and leaned his shoulder against one of the damaged concrete pillars.

Breathing in the cool morning air, he stared idly at the massive destruction of the once thriving city. The sun was nowhere to be seen, hiding behind grey clouds that promised rain and matched his melancholy mood perfectly.

The all-night party had exhausted him, perhaps if he got some sleep he wouldn't feel so miserable. Perhaps these nostalgic feelings came from his extreme exhaustion.

"They're loud, aren't they?" came the familiar voice of Garret, suddenly appearing behind him and grabbing him by the shoulders. The loud music echoed around them, but Gabriel was barely aware of it, his mind somewhere else, somewhere with the silver-haired Ardanian.

Gabriel turned to his friend, who was clutching a plastic cup in his right hand, the contents of which were clear and certainly not water.

"But who can blame them when their brave leader has returned," the mercenary added with a grin, emptying the cup in one gulp.

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