Part 24

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"I love you."

Rag'ell heard Gabriel whisper something softly in his native tongue, almost as if the Earthling was speaking to himself and the words were not meant for anyone else.

Though the Ardanian couldn't understand, something about the tone of the voice made him pause.

He regretted not having a communicator to translate those words. He sensed it was important.

Rag'ell pulled his lips away from Gabriel's smooth skin and looked up at his lover's face; the eyelids pressed tightly shut, the last of the tears glistening on the cheeks.

The Supreme understood that his beloved was upset and truly wished there was something he could do to help.

The Ardanian was glad, however, that the other man was no longer as distant from him as he had been in the past few days, and that perhaps he had finally forgiven him for the repeated imprisonment. Though Rag'ell no longer thought of Gabriel as his prisoner.

"Gabriel?" He asked softly, kissing him lightly on the lips. "What did you say?"

The dark-haired man lying on the bed simply shook his head and murmured, without opening his eyes, "Carry on."

Rag'ell wasn't entirely sure whether it was appropriate to continue with these activities when the Earthling was so distraught. Most of all, the Ardanian wanted to hold Gabriel and tell him how much he meant to him and that he would do everything in his power to protect him.

He sat up on the bed, the unbuttoned coat of his uniform, which Gabriel had not completely removed, slipping from his shoulders. He looked hesitantly at the beautiful man lying on the bed, his black hair dishevelled, his lips swollen from wild kisses, his cheeks flushed.

Conflicting emotions surged through Rag'ell. The more primitive urged him to continue and make up for all the missed days without any intimate contact. But then there were other feelings telling him they should work things out between them first.

Gabriel opened his eyes and looked questioningly at the Supreme, not understanding the interruption, "Is something wrong?"

"Shouldn't we talk first?"

"I'm not interested in any deep bullshit," he snapped. "I don't want to discuss anything, I don't want to think about anything, I just want to have some fun."


"If you don't want to have sex with me, go away. But we've talked enough."

The Supreme had no idea what to do. But when Gabriel removed his own shirt and leaned in for a fierce kiss, Rag'ell's options were suddenly very limited.  

Obviously pleased with how quickly Rag'ell had succumbed to him, Gabriel took his mouth off the Ardanian for a moment, nipping at his right ear and whispering teasingly, "I'd like to try something, I think you'll like it."

The Supreme had no doubt that this was true, for so far he had liked everything their captive had shown him in bed.

"I need..., do you have anything..." Gabriel struggled with Ardanese for a moment, which was unusual for him, but it seemed that either nervousness had finally crept in or he simply couldn't recall the appropriate expression.

"Whatever, wait here, I saw something in the bathroom."

Rag'ell watched in confusion as his lover got off the bed and disappeared into the other room.

In those few seconds he had hesitated again, wondering if this was the right thing to do. But even these last doubts vanished as soon as the gorgeous man with the always dishevelled hair returned, and without giving the Ardanian a chance to see what he had run off to get, he leapt at him again, eagerly.

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