Part 16

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"What do you think, our Supreme?"

He jerked and looked at Leic-en, the head of the science team, who turned to him, waiting for his reaction. But he had no idea what was being discussed.

The meeting dragged on and seemed endless. Rag'ell found himself unable to concentrate on anything, barely listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"Are you well, my lord?" Maw-ghet asked, sitting in the place of honour to his right.

The senior commander of the armed forces, along with other military advisors, technicians and scientists, had gathered in this conference room for a regular briefing to discuss the most pressing matters.

About fifteen of the most important crew members were seated around a large rectangular table, with an activated holographic screen in the centre showing a 3D animation of several new weapons.

"I'm fine," the Supreme dismissed his concerns and took a sip from the glass of water in front of him.

He looked questioningly at the older Aardanian in the white and grey uniform worn by all members of the science section.

"I was showing you some improvements to our weapons," the old man repeated, whose uncharacteristically short hair already beginning to thin noticeably.

"Of course, I agree with your suggestion," the Ardanian ruler nodded, still somewhat absent-minded, his thoughts wandering to other matters. Specifically, to a certain dark-haired rebel who resided in his chambers.

I wonder what he's doing? Maybe he's still asleep, Rag'ell mused, feeling tired himself as they had spent most of the night discovering differences between Ardanian and human amorous activities.

"My lord, are you listening?" Maw-ghet's voice jolted him from his pleasant memories.

He looked irritated at his commander, but before he could answer, Maw-ghet continued, "I was just asking the science team if they had found out how the Earthlings had bypassed the genetic lock on our weapons, and if we could count on it not happening again."

This was a legitimate question, and the Supreme knew it was a serious issue that needed to be addressed.

It was also one of the recommendations that had come from Ardana, their home planet, the morning after the local council had read his laboriously written report.

He had only sent it to them the day before yesterday, having been unable to put it together earlier as his mind was constantly occupied by Gabriel.

The Mieh-ga, or Ardanian Council, was an advisory body that made recommendations to the Supreme and helped with difficult decisions.

Fifty of the most prominent Ardanians gathered in this ancient institution, selected from the wisest and most experienced of all professions. Rag'ell's predecessor, the previous Supreme, was among them as well.

"We have examined the shield and dagger Gabriel Cassel used in his attack."

He froze at the mention of his lover's name and glanced at the very young technician who had taken the word. It was the first time the Supreme had seen the boy here, he seemed nervous, probably at having to talk to all these important functionaries.

"Of course... er... you know that our war technology: weapons, shields and aircraft all have a DNA-sensitive genetic imprint built into them. This lock is to prevent our weapons from being used by anyone other than an Ardanian," the youth explained hurriedly, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "If anyone else tried to activate it, the weapon would... shortcircuit and become unusable."

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