Chapter 13

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"Kay, how long does it take to get ready? We're already running late," Emily whined as she sat on her bed, her fingers nervously playing with the skirt settled on her thighs.

"One minute, I'm almost done," the older twin called out from the bathroom.

Frustrated, Emily stood up again to check herself out in the mirror. She smoothed down her skirt and used her index and ring finger to smudge the makeup on her face, making her appear dirtier than before.

"Ready," Katie announced as she entered their shared bedroom adorned in an angel costume.

"Does my costume look okay? Do I actually look like a pirate?" The redhead asked, suddenly becoming nervous that she looked stupid.

"You look fine, lets go!" Katie reassured her as she tugged on Emily's arm.

"Wait, I'm leaving my phone here in case I get too fucked tonight. I don't want to lose it," Emily laughed as she set her phone on her bedside table. "Alright, I'm ready," she girl smiled, hooking her arm with her twin's as they left their childhood home.


"You know, I'm thinking about moving back to Bristol," Emily said quietly as they sat in the back seat of a cab.

"Thank god, you'll finally get out of my flat," Katie snickered as she bumped Emily with her shoulder.

"You'll miss me!" The younger twin laughed as she looked down at her hands.

"Is it because of Jordyn?" Katie asked after a moment.

"Kind of," Emily responded quietly. "I think it will be good for me though. I want to get back into photography. And I forgot about how much there is to shoot here."

"Well you can always crash at my place if you need to. And I'll be sure to stay at your flat instead of mum and dads when I'm here on business," Katie smiled at her younger sister.

"Deal," Emily smiled back. It was rare that the two got along as well as they were now, but she was glad for it.

They sat in silence for the rest of the short ride to Flames. When the cab pulled up to the building, Katie pulled a few notes from her breasts and tossed them at the driver while Emily thanked him quietly as she scooted out of the vehicle.

"Hey Jack," Katie flirted as she stepped up to the bouncer at the door. "Mind if we go in?" The older twin asked as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Go on through," Jack smirked as he rolled his eyes. "Have a good time."

"Thank you!" Katie stood on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Get outta here," the boy laughed, lightly pushing Katie through the door.

Emily flashed a quick smile at Jack as she quickly entered behind Katie. She was instantly hit by a wave of sound and the smell of sweat and alcohol. She could feel the bass reverberating in her chest.

"I'll catch up with you," Katie said distractedly as she eyed a blond boy smirking at her from the bar.

"Alright," the redhead sighed, looking around for someone she recognised. The large amount of people made it hard for her to make out individual faces. Slowly, she began skirting around bodies in an attempt to find her friends.

The amount of people in the club made it hard to push through with her small frame, but she somehow managed to keep upright. Leaning up on her toes, Emily found a break in shoulders that had clouded her vision. She saw messy brown hair that could only belong to Cook.

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