Bon Ma Ti

779 32 1

Aitana's POV

"Mornin mornin!" Fridolina came up behind me giving me a small hug.

"Morning Rolfo!" I smiled big at one of my bestfriends on the team. I was glad to have her back at practices.

"How are you today?"

"I'd say pretty well." I shrugged as we walked into the weight room. Some strength training to kick off the day.

"Training partners?" I asked her and of course she nodded. Rolfo and I are almost always partners during training.

"Ready for the season to start?"

"No doubt. I'm ready to go out and win some games!" I beamed happy with the team success lately. We won champions league last year as well so maybe I would be lucky enough to move onto one last major award.

The Ballon d'Or. The most prestigious award in all of soccer possibly. There was something so special about the award. The golden soccer ball trophy just had a different feel to it. There was a higher sense of pride when receiving that award. Especially with how new the title is for womens soccer.

"Winning has definitely been your lane lately."

"Hopefully that will continue."

"Are you excited for you know the big one?"

"Say it." I teased her.

"The Ballon d'Or."

"I mean its not even a question its the Ballon d'Or! Of course I'm hoping to win it but nothing is guaranteed."

"You're going to win it." Alexia popped in behind me startling me.

"Not cool."

"Quite hilarious in my opinion."

"Mmhmm. I don't want to have to give another speech. I'm so bad at speeches or even doing any type talking except for post game match interviews. I love those."

"Yeah only if we win."

"Which we always do." I shrugged as Alexia walked away from us.

"Have you gotten the chance to talk to that new girl by the way?" Fridolina asked me and my face dropped.

I seriously can't escape her. Why can't I escape her?! Every day I have to hear someone reference McKinley Martin.

"Yeah I guess we talked."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fri asked me innocently. I suppose she doesn't know the issue I have with the American midfielder. I didn't really want to spread the news around that I hated her. If everyone loves her and I hate her what does that say about me?

"I mean small conversation but not much I suppose." I shrugged as we walked up to the first machine.

"What if we took her to lunch today?!" Rolfo asked excited happy with her plan. Ew how do I get out of this?

"I was actually planning on going straight home today maybe some other day though." Rolfo luckily did not pick up on the fact that I was trying to avoid the other girl at all cost.

"Oh all good we'll figure something out." I nodded as I looked to my left. Mapi and Lucy were training partners today. So who did Ona ended up pairing with?

I scanned the area and centered in on them. Ona and McKinley were steadily laughing at something rather than working out. Does she ever just do what she's supposed to do?

I swear not a single moment goes by where that girl isn't annoying me one way or another. Maybe this was the jealousy taking over. Maybe I still had some residual feelings towards the freckled defender. Surely I knew better than to think that I was able to just move on immediately.

I didn't see the connection that Ona and Lucy had but they did seem happy together. I was glad she was happy or whatever.

"Where's your head today Bonmati?"

I snapped my head back at Rolfo and blushed. Had I been ignoring her for a few minutes? I shook my head a little and gave a small smile in response to her question.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Always Aitana, what's wrong?"

"I liked Ona and I told her. I didn't know her and Lucy are dating. It was so embarrassing. And now with the arrival of McKinley Martin I've just been feeling this weird pressure."

"I'm sorry about Ona. I didn't know you liked her." Fridolina frowned and gave me a small hug. She looked over at the two freckled girls thinking about something but chose not to speak on whatever it was.

"You seem like you need a hug."

"I'm fine."

"Don't care." Fridolina picked me up in a big hug making me smile and laugh. She always knew how to bring out the happiest side in me. I was so thankful for her being on this team.

If only every moment would be like this lately. I was so happy just a few days ago. A few days before I found out Ona was taken and a few days before McKinley Martin's arrival. Life was so perfect.

The perfectionist had the perfect life.

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