Plane ride

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Hey my name is Ally and I am one of Olivia's new backup dancers. I'm 19 my birthday is July 14th which makes me a cancer. I'm intersex which means I'm a girl born with a dick. Yes it's a shocker isn't it. The only people who know is family and my close friends I am not against telling other people. My only close friend is Miley she's been my bestfriend since middle school. You will learn more about her later.
But enough about me let's get into my story shall we.
July 7 2023

I woke up to my alarm blasting loudly throughout my room. I groan and turn off the alarm I look at the time to see it is only 4 in the morning. I had to go and meet everyone at the airport and then we head to la to practice for the tour which starts in 4 weeks.

I had already packed my bags from the previous night so all I had to do was shower get dressed and leave. I hop in the shower and look in my closet to see what I want to wear I end up choosing an outfit that is comfortable but also somewhat formal to me at least.

 I hop in the shower and look in my closet to see what I want to wear I end up choosing an outfit that is comfortable but also somewhat formal to me at least

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After I get dressed I do my makeup and hair. By the time I'm finished it's 5:30 and I need to be at the airport by 6:30. I grab my suitcase my phone and my charger. I also grab my keys I start to leave when I hear my phone ring I answer it hearing my best friend Miley's voice.

"Hey bitch you ready" Miley says. I totally forgot to tell you Miley also become one of Olivia's backup dancers. We were so happy when we found out I just didn't want to be alone. And that bitch is my ride or fucking die even though she gets on my last nerve sometimes.

" yeah I'm ready" I say locking my door. " good because I'm outside hurry your ass up" Miley practically yells in the phone. " ok damn" I say hanging up I could see her car down the street. I get in and she hands me my coffee.

"Thank fucking god I love you so much right now" I say sipping the coffee and I groan. She smiles while looking at me she asked "what do you wanna listen to" I look at her like she was crazy "obviously Renee rap talk to much song " I say taking another sip of coffee while she blast the song.

We start having a mini concert in the car while she drives to the airport. We get there and me and Miley are both very excited . I get out the car and put my sunglasses on I grab me and Miley's suitcases and start walking in. We were meeting the rest of the dancers there and we were riding the plane with them too.

Me and Miley walk up to the group " Hey guys" Miley says " hey" they all respond back. Me and Miley go around talking to everyone getting to know everyone it was a chill day. We were walking around when Miley pulls me aside. "Are you going to tell them that you were born with a ding dong" I laugh looking at Miley "the fact that you referred to my dick as a ding dong is crazy and no I wasn't I might tell them when we meet Olivia". She nods her head and we go back to the group.

It had been a couple minutes when a guy named Justin told us it was time to get on the plane. I start heading to my seat when I see a girl named Amber seat is right next to me. I was talking to her earlier so I know a little bit about her.

I sit in my seat and put my headphones in and I start blasting Olivia's song ballad of a homeschooled girl. And when I tell you I resonate with that song so much I am the most awkward person you will ever meet. I start to sleep while listening to it.

A/N- hey guys this is my first ever book I'm writing on here let me know if you like it if not oh well it's not for everyone. If you have some things I could work on please let me know and if you have ideas tell me.
Till then live easy. 🙂

Till death do us part // Olivia Rodrigo x Ally Where stories live. Discover now