Bestie 💕💕

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Ally pov

After practice I went to the store and got a lot of snacks, tacos. I walk into our hotel room to see Miley laid out on the bed with her phone. I throw all the bags on her bed and she immediately starts looking through it.

"Well hi to you to bitch" I say playful. "What I'm hungry also thank you, now what are we gonna listen to and who's rolling the blunt?" She said while eating one of the tacos. "Well I was thinking I would roll and you would be the dj" I said starting to get the weed out rolling it.
A couple seconds later I hear "bottoms up by Nicki Minaj" playing. Me and Miley start rapping when we hear a knock on the door. We stop and look at each other and I hide the weed into one of the drawers.

Miley walks to the door and opens it. I look to see Tristan there. "What do you want Tristan it's bestie night" I say looking at him. "I'm here because I miss my girl" he said wrapping his arms around Miley waist while Miley is just smiling. "Miley kick him out now so we can get back to hanging out" I said looking at her with a glare.

"Okay damn if it was Olivia you would have been left" she said playfully. "Girl shhhhh now make him leave please" I said looking at my phone. "Sorry babe but it's girls night and you gotta go" she said to Tristan while fixing his collar. "It's ok babe I just wanted to see you" he said then pecked Miley on the lips and left.

"Oh bitch so tell me how's that going" I said when she sat down on her bed and I pulled the weed back out. "It's going good he's been nothing but nice to me he's very sweet bad thing is he doesn't believe in a fucking condom" she said rolling her eyes while eat some chips and I stop immediately rolling. "Bitch what no wrap that shit up" I said glaring at her and pass her one of the finished blunts.

"Shut up you acting like you wrap it up with Olivia" she said taking a hit of the blunt. "That's me you are different you can't be walking around here with kids plus my pull out game is strong ass hell" I said eating some tacos. "Girl shut up I'm not having kids you know I got options" she said taking another hit and passing the blunt to me. "Yeah I know if you need help we will have that fetus swimming in Casamigos" I said taking a hit of the blunt.

She starts laughing "ok but seriously how are things with you and Olivia y'all are complicated as fuck" she said looking at me. "Honestly it's good I'm just hoping I don't have to be her secret I mean yes you guys know but no one else not even her close friends iris and Conan" I said taking another hit.

"Damn I hope y'all figure y'all shit out, you know I would have never thought this would happen when we came here" she said eating and looking at me. "What would happen me being in a situation ship and you having the chance of getting pregnant" I said jokingly taking another hit and passing the blunt to her. "No us being in a relationship bitch we said we were never gonna get tide down now look at us" she said taking a hit.

"Yeah but we still got each other and we always will" I said looking at her while smiling. "Girl let's not get emotional cause you know I will cry" she said with a laugh. The rest of the night we were smoking, eating, and listening to music. This is why I love my bestie she will forever be by my side pregnant or not 😂.

A/n- hey guys it's been a while I hope you had a great Christmas I really don't know what else to write on this so please give me some ideas. Anyway be safe and have a great rest of your night.

Till death do us part // Olivia Rodrigo x Ally Where stories live. Discover now