2-Fathers Day

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Authors Note- Hi guys! Thanks so much for 25 reads! I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful for that and also that I want to put mom and momma instead of Lena and Stef so Lena is Momma and Stef is Mom!

Jude's Pov
After the conversation with Connor I decided to call my dad.
As I dialed the numbers in my phone shakily I started to think what if he laughs and says no and that he doesn't want a thing to do with me. Jude calm yourself your letting Callie get into your head.
The phone was ringing now.
Phone Conversation* J= Jude D= Donald
D- Hello?
J- Hi is this Donald Jacobs?
D- Jude. Is that you?
J- Yeah, it's me. Umm I was wondering if you would like to come over for Fathers Day this afternoon. You don't have to if your busy I was just wondering.
D- Ummm of course Jude! Is it okay with your Moms though?
J- Yeah! They are on board with it!
D- What about Callie?
J- Uhhh, yeah she's fine with it.
D- Are you sure?
J- Yes, I'm positive!
D- Okay well what time?
J- Around 2:30, is that okay?
D- Yes, that's fine. I'll see you soon okay?
J- See you to umm dad?
D- Bye
End of Phone conversation*
Yes! He's coming I have to tell moms!
I start running down the stairs when I hear Momma yell
"Jude! No running down the stairs!"
"Sorry! But guess what! Donald's coming!" I say happily.
"Oh that's great honey!" Mom says while giving me and side hug.
"Oh umm is it alright if Connor can come... I mean I get it if he can and if you guys think that we shouldn't be alone together and that-" Moms stop my rant.
"Honey, of course Connor can come over! And tell him to bring Adam. It would be nice to see him!"
I run upstairs and text Connor that he can come over and can bring his dad and I told him that he can come over sooner than other people because I wanna have some "alone time with my boyfriend" before people start coming over.
I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Thinking about what Jesus was doing at his new school. Probably hooking up with some girl right now! I laugh to myself thinking about that stupid idea. I look at my watch and see that it's corner till 11, Connor will be here soon so I get dressed in a blue shirt with R2d2 on it and some tan shorts, gel my hair and do the wired cologne thing that Jesus taught me. And do the other hygiene stuff.
"Jude! Connors here." I hear Stef yell from downstairs.
"YComing!" I yell
I run downstairs to see a very attractive Connor. He wearing a tank top with a pair of shorts and gel his hair also.
"Hey Jude!" Connor says smiling at me.
"Oh the Beatles!" Lena yells from the kitchen.
Me and Connor laugh and just stare at eachother for a few seconds.
"Alright lovebirds. Why don't you go outside and enjoy the weather." Stef says with a small laugh and walks away.
"Yeah let's go! I saw a basketball outside." Connors says
" Okay there are 3 reason why we can't do that. 1. I have no skill whatsoever at basketball. 2. Your foot and 3. It's a million degrees outside."
"Oh who cares come on!" Connor says as he hobbles outside on his crutches.
This is going to be fun.

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