15- Small talk

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Jude's Pov

Connor and I quickly got ready after that by the time we were done it was already 4:45.

Connor texted Daria we were leaving in a few minutes and walked down stairs.

"Hello family." I said sarcastically noticing that everyone was all together at one time. 


"Hello Jude plus Connor," Stef said.

"You boys getting ready to go?" Lena asked.

"Yep were about too head out right now." Jude said.

"Wait, go where." Callie asked.

"The Carnival." Connor said.

"Awe, is this a date!" Mariana said.

Connor and I both looked at each other and blushed. Cracking smiles.

"Yeah, I guess." I said. I didn't wanna tell them we were going with Daria and Taylor I mean its just nobody's business.

"Awe! so cute! I ship it!!" Mariana said excitedly clapping her hands and hugged us.

"Ship?" I said confused.

"Yes of course!!" Mariana said. I gave Connor a look.

"Yeah, well we better get going, don't wanna miss out on anything!" I said pulling Connor away.

"But wait I thou-" Connor said as he was being pulled out the door.

"Bye boys!?' Lena said.


'Why' didn't you tell them we were going with Taylor and Daria?' Connor asked.

'Would you?" I said.

'Nope.' Connor said popping the p.

We walked all the way to the carnival it wasn't that far.

'Taylor and Daria said that they were gonna wait outside near the porter-potties' Connor said.

'I see them!' I yelled.

Connor and I walked over there hand in hand but we undid it as soon as they saw us,

'Hello boys." Taylor said.

'Hey!' Connor said.

'Yeah...' Daria said.

'It's been a while..' I said.

'Sure has...' Taylor said.

'So I see your off your crutches...' Daria said.

'Yeah got off of them about 2 weeks ago I think...' Connor said.

'Has it only been 2 weeks?' I said.

'Yeah, because we went to the dance a week after I got it off so that seems about right.' Connor said.

'Dance?" Taylor asked.

'Uh, yeah there was this dance and stuff.' I said.

'Oh why didn't you tell us we would have totally come!' Daria said all perky.

Connor and I both laughed.

'What's so funny?' Taylor asked.

'Probably not your type of dance.' I said.

'Why wouldn't it be? Its a dance.' Daria said.

'It was a LGBTQ dance.' Connor said.

'Oh...' Daria said embarrassed.

'So you two are still.....' Taylor said, looking at us.

'Together....Yep!" Connor said happily popping the P and reaching out grabbing my hand.

'You two are cute. I just would have never really thought....' Daria said.

'That I was gay' Connor asked?

'Yeah, you seem pretty straight to me." Daria said.

"I look straight. Not seem. Looks are deceiving. People stereotype to much, that's how drama starts. But, now you know so.' Connor said.

'Are you bi?' Taylor asked.

'Nope. Gay. Just gay.' Connor said.

'Well you seem admitting to it, Jude?' Taylor said.

'Yeah... I'm gay.' I said. Connor smiled at that.

'Well, actually Jude is.... and I quote " Super gay".' 

'Oh god, really Connor." I said blushing.

Connor and I started laughing.

We must have forgotten that Daria and Taylor were both there.

'Yeah, lets go lovebirds I wanna ride some rides!' Taylor yelled while running into the gate.

Daria followed and Connor and I walked into the Carnival. 

Hand in Hand.

AN- how did you like the chapter? How awkward was that. But it was still cute though. As always Vote! Comment! Follow! and Share!! I love all of you guys and love seeing feedback!!!


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