10- Daylight

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*warning this has a little bit of sexual mentioning in this chapter. It isn't smut or fluff just a mention of it.
Jude's Pov
"Oh you are in so much trouble." Unknown person
I opened my eyes to see a smirking Mariana.

"Uhh. It's not what it looks like." I say quickly and sat up.

"Mhm...." She said

"hmm." Connor shot up from his slumber of sleep.

"We had a picnic. We must have fell asleep..." Connor said.
"Yeah okay. But how did Connor end up shirtless?" She said smirking.
I turned my head to see Connor sitting thee very confused.

Don't blush. Don't blush.
I blushed.
"Mariana you do realize that we are in the biggest drought in California since 800 b.c right?" I say sassily.
"Hey! That's my line!" She said laughing. And smacking my arm gently.
"Well umm sorry to break this romantic montache in the back yard but it's 7:30 moms are gonna start wondering where your at so I'd get up." She said as she walked off towards the house.
"Well that was interesting." Connor said as he pulled his shirt on.
"Yeah." I say as I stand up and brush of myself.
Me and Connor head into the house.
My whole family was staring at us.
" Living room! Now!" Moms said at the same time.
We headed into the living room.
"Mom we didn't do anything I promise!" I said very quickly.
"Jude we understand. But we still need to talk to you two about something." Momma said.
"Okay what?" I said frankly confused.
"Well you and Connor have been getting little romantic lately." Mom said.
Connor and I shot each other glares, knew where this was going.
"We just want to make sure that you getting to romantic as in-
"As in what? Sex, moms I'm 13. Connors almost 14! We aren't going to be doing that! At least not for a while! And if Connor even tried I wouldn't let him!" I said.

"It's true. Not to intrude but Jude doesn't even let me hug him at times let alone do that. I don't even understand how that even works? Is it even possible for two males to do...that?" Connor said very very confused .
I looked at him.
"Yes Connor. That is possible." I say.for
"But how? I'm sorry my dad only gave me the "straight" talk. So I am not very informed on this stuff...." Connor said embarrassed.
"Well then....boys...it's time for...the talk." Momma said.
Connor and I shot each other a glare and small smile.
This is going to be interesting.

Okay so I kinda updated in one day! I just love where this is going but that is it for today!

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