12- Start of something new...

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Connors Pov* HUH* That's new* hehehe* the chapter name* get it* okay no* never mind* bad joke*

My dad took me home after that.

The car ride was deafening silence. I could since the tension in the air.

Eventually we pulled to a stop.

I looked out the window to see where we were.

It wasn't my house.

It was the batting cages.

Why were we at the batting cages.

"So um Connor, Stef and Lena talked to me about some things." he said looking down.

"Like..what?" I asked him biting my lip.

"I no i haven't been the most excepting person. But do you think you could give me a chance?" he asked.

"Dad. Why did you really bring me here? I mean.... I just got out of my boot a week ago. Why are you really doing this!" I said getting frustrated with this whole situation entirely.

"Your mom called.." he said.

I looked up at him. My mom. I hadn't seen her since the divorce. Even though it was finalized back in November. It still felt fresh. I missed her so much. Apparently she met a guy in Dubai. He's a charmer and they are pretty serious at least that's what my cousin Sammy tells me.

"Why? What did she say!" I said getting a little excited to quickly.

"Don't get to excited okay...she asked how you are doing...and she um want's you to stay with her for a while." He murmured that last part a little to softly.

"What..." I said shocked.

My mom lived in Dubai. She moved there when they got divorced. She always loved traveling the world and learning new cultures. But going there. I couldn't do that to Jude. We just got into habits of things. Jude finally labeled himself as"Gay" at the LGBTQ dance last Sunday. Things were just getting back to normal...or as normal as we get.

" I know it's a lot to take in but just think about it alright." he told me.

"No. I can't." I stated.

"What? Why?" He asked me confused.

"I can't leave Jude! We are just getting comfortable with things Dad! I just couldn't leave him for who knows how long!" I yelled.

"Connor he's just a boy. I understand or I can try and understand your situation but this is a great opportunity to get to spend time with your mother. She misses you." My dad said.

"Just a boy? Dad! I love him! More than I will ever love you! " I yelled immediately regretting what I said to him. Well everything was true. I felt that way at times but I really did love Jude...Even sometimes more than my own father.

I got out of the car and ran off. Not caring what happened. Who came after me. I just needed a break.

All of everything I have ever felt from the past month surged through me.

I screamed.

I yelled.

I was on my knees sobbing.

Pulling my hair.

Ripping out the grass in the ground.

I needed someone.

And I knew who.


I needed Jude.

OKAY literally this is one of my favorite chapters now! I love this so much.

It literally went deeper than I intended to.

I need to write more Connor chapters often.

Oh and if you didn't know this takes place after the dance.

Its 1 week later. I hope you enjoy! Comment! Share! Like! Follow! All that Jazz!


Okay one more thing!

I am hosting a contest with one of my IRL buds Taryn-Kairi ! the information for our contest is on her story Survive the Game! All info is there! So go check it out and maybe enter!


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