3- Fathers Day

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Jude's Pov

This is going to be fun.

"Okay so you put your hand right here. And then out your other hand right here...." Connor was teaching me how to shoot the ball. I wasn't really paying much attention. I was mostly focusing on how amazing Connor is and how are body language was. It just felt so right.

"And then you- Connor notices that I'm not paying much attention to what he is saying and just smiles at me. 

"Do you wanna just talk." he asks me.

"Yeah, please its getting to hot out here." I say brushing the back of my hand on my forehead wiping off the sweat.

Connor and I find a tree to sit under. It was really nice too. It looked like a Spanish Moss tree.

I layed down in the grass staring up at the sky. Thinking about everything in general, Connor, my dad, Callie, and again Connor. 

"Are you okay?" Connor asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking about things." I reply still staring up at the sky. Connor lies down next to me in the grass with his hands behind his head.

"What sort of things?" Connor asks with a little smile.

"Well mostly about my dad, and Callie and yes, you." I say still looking at the sky but glance at Connor at that last little comment.

"What happened? I mean with Callie." Connor asks that with the most sympathetic tone. That is one of the many things I love about Connor, its that he knows what things he needs to careful and not push with. Callie is one of them along with The Foster System, My Mom and My Dad.

"Being plain old Callie. Putting herself first before me. She just decides to act like a big sister whenever she wants to she just drops down and starts being the boss of me. I mean I get it shes always took care of me when we were in foster care but now we have parents that can take care of us. I just get sick of her attitude." I stand up now continuing my rant.

"She's just like oh Jude he doesn't want you in his life, But Robert does, Robert this Robert that and sometimes she can just be a complete Bitch!" I took a big breath. Connor was staring at me now. Connor started laughing 

"What's so funny?" I ask with a defensive tone and face.

"It's just that I've never seen you that mad before. Let alone curse." Connors said still laughing.

"Oh, Sorry if i got a little nuts." I say looking down embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it. You've been through a lot this past couple of months I think you needed that little breakdown. And plus it was kinda hot seeing you that way." Connor said with a small smirk 

"Yeah I guess your right." I said

I stood there for a moment. Then started smiling like a idiot.

"What?" Connor asked confused.

"Did you really think I looked hot?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes you dork."Connor said giving me a slight push. 

"You look hot all the time" Connor said with a wink.

"Now  who's the dork." I said laughing

"Oh you love it." Connor said giving me a another small push to the shoulder.

"Oh of course I do." I pushed Connor onto the ground and sat on top of him. Pinning him down to the ground.

Connor was laughing so stupid. Connor then rolled over and we ended up having a wrestling match that turned into a tickle fight.

"Okay okay I give up." I said. Laughing like a idiot.

Connor was on top of me. My  hands were pinned to the ground.

I decided that Connor gets to make all the moves so why can't I.

I reach up and kiss him. Connor smiles at me and kisses back.

We then roll over and I'm laying across Connors stomach.

"This is nice." Connor said.

"Yeah." I said

"I can finally be me, Finally be happy." Connor says as grabs my hand.

Both the boys lay there not knowing that Connors dad and Jude's Moms were watching from a distance.

Adams Pov

"He looks so happy." I say

"They both do. I'm so proud of them." Lena says

"I can't believe I made it so bad that he couldn't be happy or who he is." I say looking down

"Adam, you just didn't understand. You were scared for Connor. We are scared for Jude they are gonna go through some rough stuff. But all that matters is that we stand by our kids with pride." Lena says.

Lena and Stef leave to go get the food out as Connors dad watches his son and Jude kiss.

It was weird seeing this. Connor with a boy but Connor has never looked this happy and even though Connor and Jude are gonna go through some stuff that they shouldn't have to go through, in the end all that matters is that my son will be happy, that he is happy.

Okay so  I love this chapter! So guys I wan't to know that you are enjoying this story so can you please comment on any thing or even give it a star i need to know that you like it! I want to make this story the best it can be so please!

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