-20- Ill be back again

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I look up at the building. It's a lot bigger than I expected it to be.
I think it's the best.
I can do this.
It's only for a year right?
I was fooling myself
How much could change in 1 year
I walk up to the sign, And check
I have a little time.
I look down at my phone,looking at the picture of us on my last day.
Time must have flew bye pretty fast..
Because the next thing I know I was boarding my plane.
1 year
I can do this
Nothing will change.
I sat down in my seat.
About 15 minutes later we were off.
I Leaned my head against the window, just thinking what Africa was going to be like.
It wouldn't be the same without him,
Nothing would, I knew I didn't have to say goodbye to him, I would be back.
So all I have to say now is.
Until then Jude.
Okay...this story has meant the world to me.
I am grateful for all of the support I have gotten over these months and I hate to see it end.
If everyone was wondering Jude and Connor are still together. But do to everything that happened Connor decided with Jude's support to take the trip with his mom, his dad was supportive and all but Connor took the chance to explore something new.
Now if all of you were wondering i am still pondering whether or not to do a short.
So this could be goodbye or it could not
I just wanna say I love all of you guys and I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for following me through it.
And I'm just gonna wrap this up and end this how I always end my chapters.

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