Chapter 17

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There is a son of a worker and a son-in-law who is from the city. The old lady has not endured the sin of starving her heart out.

Qingchuan had already sent over two hundred kilograms of dried sweet potatoes. A piece of dried sweet potato can be doubled in size if boiled in water. Although eating too much sweet potatoes will cause flatulence and heartburn, it is better than chewing on tree bark. He also brought a bag of rice noodles to his niece. My sister-in-law used it very sparingly, and she ate the rice noodles for three months.

He will still send alimony to the old lady every month. This year he will not send money. Instead, he will send food, usually more than ten kilograms. Sometimes it is brown rice, sometimes millet, sometimes buckwheat...the type is not precise. Add some more eggs and meat.

The old lady always imagined that her little son was reluctant to eat or drink, so he worked hard outside to collect food and bring it to her. She cherished the food very much and would not take it out until critical moments. In fact, Qingchuan eats and drinks quite well every day, but he was born with blue eye circles and never gained weight.

The eldest sister also sent things from the city twice, each time containing thirty or forty kilograms of fine grain.

Therefore, when every household is going to run out of food, Qingchuan's family is still living a relatively comfortable life, and you can tell by looking at their faces that they are not short of food.

The eldest brother knew that he was relying on his mother and younger brother, so he specially invited Qingchuan to dinner on New Year's Eve. In this difficult time, treating others to a meal is a treat that only comes from a life-long friendship. Where is the meal? It's fate. What's more, the eldest brother rarely cooked a fish at home, stewed an old hen that couldn't lay eggs, and made rice cakes with glutinous rice, which was very rich. I took out all the delicious food that I would normally be reluctant to eat.

But Qingchuan still refused, "No, I've already cooked it over there. There's fish and meat." He smiled weakly. Yesterday I ran all over the village in the dark. It was like a thief. Today I am very sleepy. I just want to sleep and nothing else.

The eldest brother didn't know the truth. He was confused by Qingchuan's weakness and thought that his younger brother wanted to leave more food rations for his family. He was so moved that he just pulled a chicken leg from the old hen and insisted that Qingchuan take it back.

Unable to refuse the hospitality, Qingchuan went back with the chicken legs. From the eldest brother's house to Qingchuan's house, one has to cross half of the village, and Qingchuan can smell the aroma of food coming from other houses from time to time. It even has the same old hen scent.

The hens raised by many people are not nutritious and cannot lay eggs, so they are slaughtered at this time. You can fool around with it at other times. The New Year's Eve dinner should always be sumptuous, even if it's a good sign. In addition, today is a good time to open the door, and every household has received unexpected food, so when I relaxed my hands, I originally just wanted to use wooden chickens and wooden fish to deal with the previous New Year's Eve dinner, but I actually killed the chickens, roasted the fish, and cooked real food.

Wooden chicken and wooden fish are chickens and fish carved from wood. In the past, poor people couldn't afford chicken and duck during the Chinese New Year, so they would put a plate with wooden chickens and wooden fish. This is new knowledge that Qingchuan only learned when he arrived here, and he has really learned a lot.

He felt that after traveling through time one by one, he would become a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person.

On the second day, the official first day of the new year, Qingchuan opened the door and placed two plates of candies on the table in the main room, including pumpkin seeds, fried soybeans, peanut candies, winter melon candies, etc., waiting for the children to come. But no children came over until noon. A group of children were hanging their heads, their pockets were flat, and they looked like they had gained nothing.

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