Chapter 48

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It was dark the next day, around four or five o'clock, when someone in the village discovered Ma San.

He is dead.

He was hung up in a tree, his wrists were green, his body was straight, his eyes were staring, his body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and he was not wearing any pants underneath.

But he didn't freeze to death. A sharpened thin bamboo tube was pierced in Ma San's heart. Blood flowed out of the bamboo tube and fell to the ground, forming a small pool of blood. When he was found in the morning, his blood had solidified into dark red, and his body was cold and had lost its temperature.

His lower body was naked and bloody. Someone had pierced the thing with bamboo strips, and the cotton pants on the ground were also covered with a layer of blood and white frost. Next to it was his daily kettle, which was empty and had a layer of white frost on it.

Ma San's family burst into tears, and people in the village talked a lot.

This looks like a murder case, but I don't know who has such hatred against him. Although there are many conflicts in the village, due to the mediation of the elders in recent years, the conflicts rarely reach the point of killing people. The elders in the village are generally fair and can soothe people's hearts.

No one doubted the educated youth in the village. Ma San and the educated youth had no intersection, and they could all prove to each other that they did not go out yesterday.

Although some people said that Ma San's personal style was not very good, and the expressions of young girls and female educated youths in the village were wrong, but no one was really harmed. Let's rule out this possibility. Many people suspected that there was a conflict between the village and Masanjia.

The county police came, but the scene was almost destroyed. They could only check to see whose family had conflicts with Ma San. The last check was trivial, and everyone had an alibi. Although these The certificates were given by relatives and friends and were not in compliance with the rules.

The police officers who arrived searched for several days but could not find the murderer. Instead, they ate several chickens in the village. The captain was extremely distressed.

Since we couldn't find the murderer, we had to let it go. Because Ma San died violently, the village elders said that such a person could not be buried in his ancestral grave because he died with a violent temper, so they chose another grave and hurriedly buried him.

As time passed, after two or three months, there was more work on hand, and even Ma San's wife no longer talked about her dead husband. Although she lost a man, she also lost an old man who had to serve and beat others, which may not be the best for their family. It was a bad thing, so the village gradually forgot about it.

During this period, Zhao Ming did whatever he wanted to do, but he didn't have too much fear. Even though he was obviously involved in this matter, he felt surprisingly calm in his heart, and even felt vaguely relieved.

It's great that he's dead, he won't harm anyone anymore.

He probably knew something was wrong with his mentality, but he couldn't explain it specifically. Generally speaking, if you may indirectly cause the death of others, you will feel guilty to some extent. Zhaoming... Zhaoming touched his chest and let go of the guilt. He felt very relaxed and happy, and slept very peacefully.

On the other hand, the female director's family is not as calm as Zhaoming. On the third day after the incident, the honest husband of the women's director found a very awkward reason and gave Zhaoming a jar of five-year-old rice wine and a volume of wine recipes written on silk.

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