Volume Three: Splendid and Knife [Chapter 25]

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Time to return to the tasker community.

"Why are the reward points so high? More than three million branch points? System, have I completed any branches?" Qingchuan, who was checking the points obtained in the previous world, was hit by a huge pie. Although his skills were not upgraded, the diamond The income is high, and the special props produced are generally of good quality.

"The side mission is to get sincere gratitude from living and non-living things. Didn't you always do charity in the last world? You have helped people to some extent over the decades. Maybe that's how you got here?"

"In my first world, I helped a county get out of poverty and become rich. It seems that there are no branch points."

"Because you are the county magistrate, it is your responsibility and obligation to help them get rid of poverty and become rich. This kind of thing is what you should do if you do well, and what you deserve if you do not do well."

Is it so difficult to be an official these days?

"But no matter what, we still promote good people and good deeds, as well as protecting the environment and caring for animals. All these are points."

"Really? So it seems that there is some basis for the idea that doing good deeds is to accumulate good fortune for oneself?"

He looked through the forum information, and there was a new wave of new messages. Comparing the time, he was surprised to find that less than a day had passed in the tasker community. Is there a difference in time flow between the two?

"All tasks have a deadline of one hundred years, which in reality is one day. This is also to prevent taskers from getting lost in the task world. The real purpose of the initial construction of the tasker community is to allow confused taskers who have been switching between different worlds to have some time. A 'home' has a real feeling of survival, rather than changing from world to identity, changing to the point of insanity, so the time in a mission world is only one day. It is better to provide a vacation after the mission to relax one's spirit. to carry out the next mission. In the final analysis, it is the charity of capitalists."


Is it really okay to ridicule your immediate boss so openly?

"Since it has been proven that the secret book is universal last time, I am going to sell it to the system. But the price is really low, less than 500 diamonds. The mastermind is indeed a big profiteer." Qingchuan looked at the row of zeros behind the secret books. Sighing, but soon he thought of something happy again, "I improved the secret recipe a little bit."

"You? Tips for improvement?"

"It's weird? I've learned two worlds. Isn't it normal to improve it? Let you see the results?" Qingchuan smiled and snapped his fingers, and a small light spot appeared on his fingertips, like A tiny firefly.

The light point quickly flew up at an extremely fast speed, forming a circle of light around his finger.

"Concrete mental power?!" The system floated over to take a closer look, its eyes widened, "How did you do it, host? Do you know how many diamonds are in the cheapest manual for cultivating mental power in the system? For us? For a poverty-stricken system like this, where the world's income is only a few hundred yuan, it's an astronomical figure."

"Eh? That's not right..." The system suddenly reacted, "When did you improve it? Why didn't you ever tell me? This degree of concreteness was definitely not achieved in a short while."

"Exactly, one day ago."

"How is it possible?" The system didn't believe it at all, and circled around Qingchuan, "Tell me, tell me."

Quick Transmigration: Passer-by Craftsman System [MTL]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum