Chapter 23

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"Uncle, I want to be like you." Wei Ge, who was severely beaten by domestic and foreign businessmen at the Canton Fair, said.

At this time, they had returned to Changshan Village, like Cinderella after twelve o'clock. There are no gatherings of merchants, no gaping holes in the vast world, only farmers pulling food from the fields day after day and mountains one after another.

Compared with Qingchuan, who can talk to anyone, Wei Ge, who considers himself an outstanding businessman, is at a loss how to speak. He can't help but feel timid when he walks in front of those with tall noses. He can't get in touch with anything they say. I know every word, but I just can't understand it.

He also saw Qingchuan walking through the exhibition in a graceful manner, with an unfamiliar smile on his face, politeness and elegance masking politeness. Even the curvature of his arms and the size of his steps seemed to have been carefully designed, perfectly integrating into the foreign businessmen.

It felt like Qingchuan was in another world, and those standing with him were also in another world, but Wei Ge looked at them from a distance and couldn't even touch them.

Wei Ge longed to go higher. He clearly heard his wish. He wanted to stand in the middle of that circle. But he didn't know who to look for. Even the township head who always spoke the truth in the countryside was reduced to a country bumpkin. He could only show his timidity in front of Qingchuan.

"A little fool."

Qingchuan stared at him for a long time, staring at him until Wei Ge became uneasy. He suddenly stretched out his finger and tapped his forehead.


"In the shack below, there live two university professors, a surgeon and a big capitalist. Each of them can be your teacher. Not only can you learn the English you want from there, but also other knowledge, Go ahead and impress them with your sincerity."

Wei Ge's eyes widened slightly. He knew that the shack below was where he originally lived. After repairing it several times, it could only barely protect it from wind and rain. He also knew that Qingchuan had sent some thick bedding and emergency medicine there. He even knew that Ma Anna had been there many times and delivered food.

...It turns out that those people are such great people. Even if they are in trouble now, there are still others who are willing to give them convenience.

"Wait for me." Qingchuan turned around and went to the woodshed. When he came back, he had some more books in his hands. After a closer look, he saw that they were all foreign language books.

"Here, your textbooks. These are all you have for the moment. There are poems, novels and technical information. But no one is allowed to see it, and no one is allowed to know about it, not even your closest friends. If you see it, you will be imprisoned." Qingchuan folded a few blank notebooks and pencils for him as he spoke, "I will prepare two suitable pens later. Handwriting is the second face of a person. If you want to learn it, you must learn it well."

"Uncle?" Wei Ge was confused, surprised, and at a loss.

"You little fool." Qingchuan sighed, but couldn't help laughing, "I prepared these things a few years ago, just waiting for you to find out that it's not easy to live outside, come over and say to me: Uncle, I want to Read more. Little bastard, how much time have you wasted before you know what's going on after you're over 20 years old? Fortunately, it's not too late. Now if you work harder, there is still hope."

If I never understand... This question is weighing on Wei Ge's heart, and he doesn't know how to ask it.

After Wei Ge hugged the book, Qingchuan brought out another backpack, which was full of rice noodles, bacon, pickles, and snacks. "This is a apprenticeship ceremony. You have to show sincerity whether they accept you or not. These people have suffered many crimes over the years, and some of them were reported by their own students as their children. Now they are as scared as a bird, so if they refuse to accept You, don't be angry either. You know how Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, you know that where there is a will, there is a way?"

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