Chapter 138

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The young priest used a roll of parchment and wrote a letter to the Holy See overnight:

The lord here is crazy. He makes his people eat well and full! Foolish people eat enough, wise people eat less, and holy people don't eat, because people will become lazy when their stomachs are full, and laziness is the original sin.

But the lord actually fed everyone! He is really sick!

He also made it possible for all children to go to school.

Such a sacred thing as knowledge was spread out at will for sinful untouchables to learn. This lord was also a sinner, and he desecrated the sacred words and knowledge. (The goddess of wisdom expressed that she had something to say)

He is guilty!

He also rented tools and livestock to these untouchables so that they did not have to work occasionally.

You teach us that we must use hard labor to wash away the sins of these people, but he allows these people to rest? This is the plot of the Lord, who wants to corrupt their souls and prevent them from going to the Kingdom of God.

I will continue to stay, retrieve and lead this lost flock of lambs.

——God's faithful shepherd.

The priest rolled up the sheepskin, sealed it in a pottery cylinder, and tied it to the feet of the golden-feathered bird.

The golden-feathered bird called twice, wanting something to eat. After all, it would take two or three days to fly and it would be a long journey, so it had to be given something good. You want the birds to fly, and you want the birds not to eat fat. This doesn't make sense.

But most of the money was used to build the church, and he had no income, so how could he get anything good? The priest looked around and saw that there was only a piece of black bread that could not be sent away. He broke the bread into pieces and fed it to the golden-feathered bird. "This is precious wheat."

He said as he fed.

The golden-feathered bird has the attribute of light. It has no other abilities, but it will become transparent when exposed to sunlight, so many places like to train it as a messenger.

The golden-feathered bird reluctantly ate one, rolled its eyes as it was so stuck, flapped its wings, and flew out of the window.

The priest stood by the window and watched it go away, praying silently in his heart: I hope the teacher can see his efforts and persistence. By the way, please send some more supplies. Without taxes and donations, he doesn't know how he can persist.

While thinking about it, I took a bite of black bread: it was bad, dry and hard, and had a musty smell, but I had no money to buy white bread.

The golden-feathered bird hovered in the air for a while, and finally saw a familiar building.

It flew over enthusiastically and pecked the window gently with its beak.

Qingchuan has not slept yet and is dealing with official business. He is about promoting the policy of separating families when young men and women get married: when young men and women get together, the man brings the family property gifted by his parents and a replica of the family tree, and the woman takes the family property and replica of the family tree gifted by her parents. Carved family trees, family trees put together, they will have a new family.

This is to prevent the expansion of clan power and patriarchal override.

Qingchuan heard the sound coming from the window and came over. He opened the curtains and took a look: Huh? Why is this little bird with golden feathers here?

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