Chapter 144

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When the people of the Silent Territory were getting more and more prosperous, the war not far from the Silent Territory was still going on due to the conflict between the two kings, and its scope of influence was expanding.

Without conviction, soldiers who fought for plunder plundered civilians' wealth, insulted civilians' wives and daughters, and then killed them for fun.

These people are the same as bandits, but they are wearing the skin of the army.

Perhaps the reason for the war at the beginning was the conflict between the two sides, but now it is mixed with competition for various resources, and it has become a protracted war that cannot be ended voluntarily.

The people on the border were displaced due to the war and suffered terribly.

"If they treat their own people like this, waging war for their own enjoyment, and waging war to possess more wealth. Then, let those whom they regard as ants make their own choice, whether to stay on the unjust battlefield , or come to our territory and live freely."

After enjoying it for too long, these powerful people have forgotten who gave them this power, not themselves, but the common people.

Qingchuan gave a mission to a hundred-man escort team. They held a key that could open three teleportations. The mission is to go to the battlefield and bring back at least thousands of future citizens.

They must be civilians who have been persecuted.

The mission is risky, even life-threatening, but the soldiers are eager for more opportunities. If they themselves are weak or like a quiet life, they will not choose this career in the first place.

This is never a peaceful era, life is fragile, war, disease, natural disasters, man-made disasters, they may be targeted by death at any time. Among warriors, their average lifespan is not higher than others, even if they have force.

Every soldier's family knows that this is a high-reward, high-risk job, and all they can do is wait silently.

The escorts who went out wore inner armor made of the skins of high-level monsters, carried enough medicine and food in their backpacks, and were equipped with sophisticated weapons and equipment.

They are all formal warriors, led by a senior warrior and a magician, and there is also a pharmacist in the team. This is all to ensure their safety.

No lord elsewhere would be willing to spend so much energy and money on consumable low-level warriors.

"May you return safely, my warriors."

After a farewell ceremony, Qingchuan, as the lord, solemnly presented each warrior with a one-time magic amulet.

Each of these warriors has gathered countless energy and resources. They are polished swords. But Qingchuan must send them for a trip outside. Without going through trials, they are not considered real warriors.

This is their time to prove their worth.

"You will live up to your expectations!" The soldiers saluted back solemnly.

At first, they thought it would be two or three years at most, but this war lasted for six years, and the Peaceful Territory also sent more than a dozen escort teams, bringing back about 30,000 refugees in a steady stream.

In addition, Qingchuan has also been eating many slave traders.

I had obtained some information about the prince before, and followed the clues to find seven colosseums scattered across the country. Together with other people's "generous donations", the territory had more than 10,000 residents of different races, and the zoo had more than doubled in size.

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