Chapter 38

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"Meizi Yu made sour plum soup."

If we talk about the most thirst-quenching food in my memory, besides watermelon, it is sour plum soup. The stimulating sourness flows on the tip of the tongue, bringing out a slight sweetness. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

When Zhaoming was in the city, if the people next door made extra sour plum soup, they would bring him a bowl.

He has been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. He can listen to people talk about ancient times without crying. He is the most popular with the elderly. The aunt next door will leave some for him when she eats. Among them, her specialty sour plum soup is the most delicious, even in her dreams. Never forget.

The small lotus seed bowl is just held by two little hands. There is half a cup of plum-red sour plum soup in it. It is not enough for an adult to drink in one gulp, but children can sip it carefully and let the sweet and sour taste circulate in the mouth. Round after round, I was willing to swallow it slowly.

In fact, it is the most beautiful when you swallow it in one gulp when it is the coldest. The cold feeling stimulates the whole mouth, and the hot air flies out of Tianling Gai in a flash. But if you leave it for a little longer, the coolness will disappear and only the acid will remain. Because the soup was cooled with well water, it was assimilated by the air and heated up over time.

But Zhaoming was reluctant to drink it in one gulp, wanting the sour taste to stay a little longer.

His biological mother was a beautiful girl. She made soup with her hands, which sounded good but tasted just like that. She couldn't make sour plum soup. But Zhaoming loves to eat, so she occasionally buys some. Unfortunately, what she buys is never so satisfactory.

My stepmother doesn't like the taste of sour plums, nor does she like sour plum soup, so if she wants to eat it, she has to wait for the person next door to make it. The aunt next door makes a very delicious sour plum soup, with just the right amount of sourness and just the right amount of sweetness. The sweetness and sourness blend together to create a top-notch taste experience.

But since the aunt became a mother-in-law two years ago, her family has never made sour plum soup again - the daughter-in-law is also a party member of the stepmother, and they don't like the taste of sour plums. With few people to support her and being busy taking care of her children, she was too lazy to make sour plum soup.

Zhao Ming himself didn't understand that there were people in this world who could refuse to drink sour plum soup in summer. But not only do such people exist, they also live around him.

Later every summer, watermelon could still be eaten. The family could buy a few slices for a few cents, and they would share a cent when they went home. Zhaoming was also lucky enough to taste a few bites. The sour plum soup is gone. Because it is gone, it has become a precious existence in memory.

Unexpectedly, he drank sour plum soup again in the southern countryside.

Comrade Yu took out a jar of black plums, a small celadon pot-bellied jar, and carefully sealed it with oilcloth. Comrade Yu brought it from his hometown and made it using secret methods passed down from his ancestors.

The people nearby took licorice, osmanthus and other ingredients, Zhaoming took hawthorn slices, and then everyone pooled a few cents together to buy some old rock candy. Although there is still some white sugar in the kitchen, it is said that the most authentic rock sugar is needed to make sour plum soup, otherwise it will always be a bit inferior.

The sour plum soup made by Comrade Yu is sour, sweet, and fragrant, and the aftertaste lingers for a long time after drinking it. It tastes good even if it is not chilled with well water. If it is chilled with cool well water, the taste will be even more heavenly.

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