Chapter 183

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"There was a tsunami on a certain island, and Xia Yueming saved people into coma." Because of this title, a tsunami also occurred on the domestic Internet. Fans are very concerned about the situation of idols filming abroad. Of course, more people want to know the cause, process and results of the incident. .

If Qingchuan had a company and a publicity team, the company should be operating "conscience artists" and "positive energy" at this time, but he does not have a company.

If Qingchuan had an agent, his agent would definitely tell him not to rush to talk about his situation on the Internet, and he would post a photo of his hospital bed when the news became more popular. Don't be a Tiehanhan who posts photos immediately to appease fans, but he doesn't have an agent.

So Qingchuan immediately posted the photo on wb. Although he was lying on the hospital bed, he was in good spirits, his face was pink, and he was chewing a big red apple with relish. The text accompanying the picture is: No illness or injury, no updates tonight.

Wait a minute, did they see it wrong? Why go out of your way to not update it? Is the skin suitable for this?

Fans couldn't laugh or cry. Fortunately, the idol is fine. It's just a matter of skin. It's not the first day. So they have time to care about other things. For example, if Qingchuan goes abroad to film, what kind of film will he film? What's going on with tsunamis and rescuing people?

Some fans directly went over the wall to transport raw meat to foreign countries, and then friends who were good at English translated it into cooked meat, as well as uploaded various photos at that time.

OMG! Mermaid!

The clearest picture is a photo of Qingchuan resting on a driftwood when he is tired, with special effects makeup on his face, and layers of scales on his waist that transition into a skirt. This small skirt cut out of a fish tail sticks to the skin, with one side Revealing a section of snow-white skin.

It's so beautiful. Such a bad shooting angle and a dirty background still don't cover up the natural color.

He is exactly what you imagine a mermaid to look like.

Then there were the compliments from survivors, family members and friends of survivors, and passers-by. Calling him a 'deep sea elf' or 'mermaid prince' was already the most superficial compliment. It basically extended from the seaweed-like half-long hair to the fingertips. God's masterpieces, angels coming to earth, etc.

Fans covered their mouths: Oh ho ho ho, our idols are actually...yes, they are just that good!

Wai Guoren's praise is so direct, so frank, and makes people want to laugh.

Don't be polite, don't think we can't bear it, praise! Praise hard!

This tsunami, because of the timely notification, not too many people were actually swept away. There were fifty-six children and adults in total. Among these people, more than twenty people successfully rescued themselves, and the rest were picked up by Qingchuan. , especially children who are completely unable to save themselves.

A child is a family and words cannot express how grateful they are to their rescuer. They cannot imagine what would happen to them if something happened to their child.

Especially later, everyone discovered that Qingchuan was the first to discover the tsunami and asked his friends to inform everyone. He occupied the headlines of the news that day.

A foreign artist who played the role of a mermaid swam back and forth in the tsunami like a mermaid who was good at swimming and saved many people. What a wonderful topic this is? Full of fairy tale wonders.

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