Chapter 1 : Promise

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June 13 2013

"Zarah! Come down for breakfast" my mom yelled as I was still in bed scrolling through my phone.

"Coming!" I rushed downstairs and greeted my mom good morning.

She shook her head. "Tsk. Don't make waking up late a habit Zarah" she sighs. "Don't you and bokuto have plans today?"

"Yeah, we do" I almost forgot. Bokuto Koutaro,My bestfriend. We decided to hang out today since his environment at home wasn't really good at the time. He said he was comfortable with me so i guess it was fine.

The doorbell rang and I immediately knew who it was. I quickly put the dishes away and ran to the door. I opened the door and was greeted with a big hug from bokuto.

"Zarah, I've missed you!" He proceeds to hug me tightly

"But we jus saw each other last week?"

"I don't care, i miss you"

I laughed as he pulled away from the hug. "Come, let's go to the park"
I nodded and follwed him to the park.

Everytime i hang out with bokuto, i feel sort of safe around him. He's the only peron i look up to, and I'll forever appreciate that.

We arrived at the park and played on the swing.

"Hey, bokuto"


"How's it going? You're parents? Are they okay?"

He sighs and looks at the ground. I felt guilty asking but i needed to know and be there for him,he's my friend after all.

"They're still fighting..but I've got nothing to worry about,I got you. Hey..why don't we make a promise?"

"What kind of promise?"

"Promise we'll be there for each other no matter what"

"Promise. Until the end?"

"...until the very end"

Until the EndDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora