Chapter 5 : I Won You

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September 1,  2023

It has been days since the examination. Every night Bokuto sleeps on a chair beside the hospital bed, he just couldn't leave Zarah.  

As you wake up, you see Bokuto sitting in a chair across the room with his chin rested on his knees. He seems to be asleep, as he looks like he hadn't moved from his position since last night. The curtains in the room are still closed, and the light from the sun was starting to fill the room with a warm glow. Bokuto's breathing is slow and quiet, and you can hear his soft snoring.

you see two tray's of food on the table and decided  to wake Bokuto up. she approached bokuto slowly.


Bokuto slowly wakes up as he hears your voice. He looks up towards you as he sits back up on the chair. As he stretches his arms, the curtain behind him is pulled back, letting a beam of morning sunlight hit him in the face.

As usual, you can see a few more tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh Goodmorning Zarah.."

He smiles at you.

"Did you sleep well?"

She nods as He stands up and walks towards the table, where the two food trays are still sitting next to each other. He sighs and you both take a seat on the stools by the table.

"How do you feel?"

He glances over at you as he speaks, giving you another smile.

"uhmm... alright i guess...i look paler than usual though"

He gives a single laugh and nods gently.

"Well, I think that's understandable... I mean, you've been stuck in this hospital for a while now."

He glances towards your food trays, then back at you.

"We just have to keep our spirits up as much as possible."

As he talks, you see him gently tap his fingers against the table rhythmically as he tries to keep himself busy.


After the two of you ate, You seem to be bored.

"wanna play cards or something?"

He smiles at your request.

"That actually sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't mind some competition."

He gets up from his chair and starts looking for the cards.

"You know, my father taught me how to play cards ever since I was a little kid. And because of that, I can't stand losing."

he smiles at you.

"I hope you're ready to lose, Zarah."

You rolled your eyes teasingly and started to play

Bokuto smiles back at your teasing as he takes a seat and begins to play. He deals the cards out to you both and draws his opening cards. His face is more or less the same as it usually is when you're playing cards with him.

"Well, well, I should warn you..."

He grins at you, as he stares down at his cards.

"I'm gonna win, that's just a fact."

He starts to shuffle his cards.

"And don't you even think for a moment that you can change that."

"hmm let's see bokuto.. let's see" she chuckles

He smiles as he continues to concentrate on his cards. His face is still filled with confidence, as he glances up at you once again.

"You can try all you want, Zarah. But there's no way you can avoid defeat."

He glances down towards his hand again, and starts to put them all together. You can see that he's about to start picking out which cards he wants to keep. His pace is slow and methodical, almost as if he's planning his strategy...


A few minutes have passed and well bokuto won. 

He grins and looks up at you once again, with your cards now in his hands next to his.

"Aww... you lost, Zarah? How unfortunate..."

He says in a teasing tone, as he lightly places his hand on top of yours.

"It's okay. There's still plenty of time for a rematch, and hopefully, you'll play better by then."

He moves his hand back, but his smile remains on his face.

she chuckles "you know..i may have lost to you many times but..i did win something"

Bokuto's eyes brighten.

"You did? What would that be, Zarah?"

His tone is still lighthearted and he gives you a curious look.

You smile. "you" 

He stays silent for a few moments, as his eyes dart back and forth.

"...Zarah...? Did you just say... you... won... me?"

His expression shifts to something more confused and baffled as he processes your words.

"hmm it's simple really, it's like winning the lottery except i won you because....ever since the day we meet you've been there for me and you never left my side.  you are the best person that ever came to my life and I'm thankful to have you Bokuto.

Then suddenly, the realization dawns on him. His eyes light up in a subtle smile and his face slowly turns a bright shade of pink.

After a few seconds, he looks down and mumbles some words to himself before he looks up at you.

"You mean, like a treasure, or something?"

"yeah, a treasure"

His smile brightens and he nods. He reaches out to your arm and grasps it softly, as he speaks in a more serious tone.

"Well, in that case, I'd say you're my treasure, Zarah. you're the best treasure I could ask for"

You smile and He gives your arm a gentle squeeze before releasing it, as he smiles back at you.

Until the EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang