Chapter 11 : Zarah My Love

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It has been a year since zarah's death

Bokuto was now working in a cafe. two guests arrived. a woman with her child. she approached the counter with a smile.


Bokuto looked up, as he heard the voice. He smiles softly and walks over to the woman, as he approaches the counter.

"Hello! How may I help you ma'am?"

He looks at the children, as he smiles softly at them.

"Hello there little one! What would you like to order?"

"Two cookies and one coffee please" the woman said.

He nods and smiles, as he takes a deep breath.

"Of course, ma'am! Coming up right away!"

He quickly nods at one of the co-workers and they proceed to prepare the order. He looks back at the woman. He noticed the little girl was very familiar. too familiar... realization struck. the little girl...she looked just like...Zarah...with her chocolate eyes and brown long hair. His eyes widened slightly, as if he wants to get a clearer look at the little girl. His mind races again.

"My god... she looks so familiar... she looks like... Zarah.."

He trembles a bit, as his mind and emotions start to process the new information. He slowly swallows, as the reality washes over him.

"I'm sorry who?" the woman and the girl looked very confused. Immediately, he snaps out of it. He clears his throat and smiles at the woman.

"Oh...'m so sorry. Um... please, just ignore my statement." 

"well then, We'll be at our table now, come on Kyra" 

The woman went to a nearby table to wait for their order but somehow the little girl stayed. she looked at Bokuto with her chocolate eyes "I like your eyes...they remind me of sunsets"

Bokuto remembered her memories with zarah. how they used to go to the beach to watch the sunset. Zarah even told him she likes the sunset because it reminded her of Bokuto's eyes.

"You remind me of someone... someone very special to me."

He then looks down and scratches his cheek slightly.

"I'm sorry, I must be mistaken. That can't be possible. Sorry for the confusion."

He smiles softly at the little girl, as he tries to forget about those thoughts.

"hmmm really? i remind you of someone?"

He nods lightly.

"Yes... yes, you do."

His eyes remain on the girl's face, as he tries to hold back his emotions.

"Like I said, I must be mistaken. it just can't be her."

" can't be you.." he says in a whisper.

"zarah? seems like a familiar name."

His eyes grow wider as he hears the name and looks at the little girl, who speaks with innocence.

"Really? how come?"

"I think my mom talked about a girl named Zarah who passed away a year ago, She's my cousin."

Bokuto was shocked with the sudden information. 

"Your her cousin?"

"Mhm, i never really got to see her. how was she like? was she pretty?"

"She was beautiful... she was one-of-a-kind... she was the most precious, and the most adorable girl I have ever met in my whole life..."

He takes deep breaths. His body shakes and trembles, as he looks at the little girl with chocolate colored eyes.

""...she was my Angel..."

"Do i really look like her?"

He smiles and nods at her.

"Yes, you look exactly like her."

Bokuto stares at the little girl with chocolate-colored eyes, as it feels like time has stopped for him.

"Uhm... if you don't mind answering, how... old are you exactly?"

The girl reminds him so much of Zarah. His mind and heart races again.

"eight years old"

He can't believe it. She's still a young child. He remembers everything again. Everything that happened. He missed her so much. Her mother called Kyra so they could have a chat. As Kyra ran up to her mom Bokuto smiled  while thinking of Zarah.

"Zarah my love, i miss you."

- The End

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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