Chapter 6 : Those Golden Eyes

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(timskip to tomorrow)

she woke up in her bed still yawning. she couldn't sleep last night. it has been like this since last week, she had trouble sleeping and her disease was getting worse.

she approached Bokuto who was still sleeping "hey.. good morning.."

Bokuto's eyes slowly open up and he groggily sits up. His hair is messy, and he looks quite tired.

He slowly blinks a few times and reaches his hand up and rubs his face.

"Oh, good morning, Zarah..."
He looks over to your face and smiles before resting his hands on his knees.
"I'm still really tired, honestly..." After a moment of silence, he looks back at you and speaks with a curious tone. "Did you sleep well?"

"not really... I've had some trouble sleeping this past few i look like i haven't slept in months" she chuckles.

He looks a bit concerned and slowly nods his head. "I've had the same problem too. This past week, I couldn't really sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I'd start feeling dizzy, or my mind would just start filling with weird thoughts." He lets out a quiet sigh.

"hey, this is just a suggestion but do you wanna go to the beach today? so we could spend more time together"

"of course zarah" Bokuto smiles.

A few hours have passed and the sun was going down. perfect time to go to the beach and watch the sunset.

"you ready to go to the beach?"

He nods again and yawns.

"Yeah... as tired as I am, I can't really say no to the beach."

After a moment, he starts to rise from his seat. He looks quite sluggish and he stretches his arms.

"So, uh... how do you wanna get there?"

"i told the doctor we would get a taxi there"

"We can call the taxi now if you want."

She nods as he looks around in the room and spots his phone on the table nearby.

then picks up the phone. He starts to dial a number and press some buttons. After a few seconds, he puts the phone back down and gives you a smile.

"Alright, the taxi should be here in a few minutes."

He looks away and lets out another sigh.

"I'm so tired, Zarah...I might even take a nap on the beach."

"Bokuto I'm worried about you...are you sure you want to go the beach with me?"

"I thought we already established this? I can't just leave you be... not when you're dealing with... you know... what you're going through."

He lets out another sigh and puts his phone down.

"...I know you're worried, Zarah... I am too... But I'm so tired of just worrying and waiting... I need to do something... anything... I need to make the most of life"
(He pauses for a few moments.)

She stays silent for a few minutes. she then noticed the taxi arriving. "hey i think the taxi is here"

He looks up from his seat and checks the window. His eyes light up when he sees a taxi waiting outside.

"alright! Let's go, then!"

He gets up from the seat and gives you another smile. He offers you a helping hand to get out of your bed. heleans over the bed to extend his arm towards you. His face is filled with concern, as he looks at your face.

"I can't just let you fall here, Zarah. Hold onto me, okay? I'll be right beside you the whole time."

His tone is filled with a mixture of kindness, and... fear. His eyes are fixed on yours, as he softly smiles at you.

They got into the taxi and waited to get to the beach


They got to the beach just in time to watch the sunset

Bokuto's eyes light up when he sees the beach in front of them.

"We made it in time to see the sunset."

He looks over towards your face as he speaks.

"I knew you'd like it here... hey, Zarah... I wanted to say... I... I'm really glad that we met like this... I'm just... I'm not sure what I'd do if you weren't here..."

"I'm glad we met too"

His face beams with joy as you speak. His voice is filled with warmth as he smiles and looks out towards the horizon.

"I hope I never miss a single sunset here... because it really is... it really is amazing here."

He keeps glancing at your face as he speaks.

"We'll... we'll watch another one tomorrow, and the day after that... and the day after that... we should... we should make the most of this."

"I'd love to"

She looked at the sunset and smiled  "you know.. I've always loved reminds me of your eyes...i love those golden eyes of yours. i could stare at them for hours" 

"Thank you, Zarah... y'know, I've always loved your chocolate eyes too."

He continues to look at your face and smiles softly. His blush is still obvious as he speaks in a quiet tone. He keeps smiling for a bit more, as he continues to look at your face. His eyes are slowly starting to droop again, as he's getting very sleepy now. He slowly leans his head over and rests his head on your shoulder. you two stay silent for a while. After a few seconds, he slowly yawns and closes his eyes.

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