Chapter XV. The Family

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Sansa gets up from the table, leaving only Ned, me, and Cerenna. Ned sighs "War was easier than daughters."

"Don't say, I know very well Brandon's daughter"

Ned wonders "What between you too?"

I take a sip from my wine raising an eyebrow at Cerenna.

Cerenna shakes her head "Nothing important"

I lean on the table looking at Ned "She can't tell you"

Cerenna looks at me scared that I could mention something about killing Bran again so she takes a deep breath "Your son tried to bed my daughter"

Ned and I stare at her. Ned looks at me "What? Did Robb force you?"

"You know about them?!"

I glare at her "She is right and Genna caught us before doing anything, you wanna talk about anything else, Mother? How husband good in bed or__"

Ned cuts me "Raya! talk to your mother with respect" 

"When she respects my life first I will do it"

Cerenna says "Oh you wanna hear from my cousin the day after your marriage that she caught you with Robb what should I do"

Ned turns to her "Come to me immediately not waiting all that time and yes, Cerenna Robb told me" he looks at me "I would betroth them, I won't to find anyone like Raya to my son" I look sadly at him "Raya is my daughter more than Brandon's" to her again "And you know very well, you and Tywin Lannister put me under a fait accompli. You know that if it were the last day of my life, I would not have given it to the kingslayer"

Cerenna gives him a look "What's up with Jamie? He is a ___"

Ned cuts her "He broke his vows. How can we reassure him that he will not break his marriage vows?"

Cerenna takes a sip from her wine mocking me "Don't worry, she was the one who would break their vows because of Robb"

I give her a look "Where is Robb, mother? A month separates us on the road. You locked me here. The gods know whether I will come out alive or not" I stand "If you excuse me"

Ned looks at me "Raya___"

"What uncle? I am here and married and he is in Winterfell" I sigh "I hope that was not our life" to Cerenna "I have no choice, excuse me"

Ned takes a deep breath "You always have a choice I didn't raise you to be weak, put it in your head, you are smart not like anyone in this place, you have a choice even though we made mistakes, go"

I head to the door thinking of his words.


In our quarter, I sit in the new chamber looking at the sea, thinking about the past days. Jory walks in "What takes your mind?"

I turn to him "Everything"

"Everything is such a big word"

"You know, Jory, these past weeks I never thought I would be here"

"Didn't you like the place?"

"No, I feel like I am in a coffin full of thorns or nails"

"Don't say that, you will adapt, we are here"

"Father died here but" I smile "Yes, you are here, this is the only thing I have gained"

Jory smiles "I know my best friend"

Jaime walks in "Good evening"

I smile looking at him "Evening, husband"

Jory looks between us "Well if you excuse me"

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