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lxvi. all-new mutants
( season seven )

LYRA often wondered how different her life would be if she had never gone to Charles, if her dad decided to keep her with him. At this time in her life, would she be in the very same position? She wanted to think so; it would mean this was where she was destined to be, no matter the path. It would make accepting that she made the right choice in abandoning her human friends so much easier. Otherwise, she was forced to consider that despite her loss of morals, she had been ignoring her former coworkers, whom she saw so often they might as well have been family. The people she had been through so much with.

It was midnight, everyone in the small mutant haven asleep on this Wednesday night. Lyra, however, was on the same Community Center balcony she had grown fond of. She had a joint in her hand, a grey lighter in the other (grey to remind her of Ororo). She lit it, bringing it up to her lips and carefully inhaling. She did not know why she did it. She did not like the taste, nor the smell that lingers, but she did enjoy the feeling of time moving in a different light, of feeling like she was rising to a different plane, where she did not feel so devastatingly bored at all times. She had selfishly wished, one night, that her father was still running the Brotherhood how he used to, back when they would do attacks consistently.

No one even had the time to spar with her, not that many could match the strength of her power. Her father was busy lately, Lorna and Pietro with their own jobs, and Wanda running her coffee shop. And the X-Men... well, they had not really talked since their fight. Only Ororo and Logan had been keeping in touch like they did prior - and Kurt, through extension of Logan's phone.

Lyra leaned against the railing, overlooking the community below as she smoked. She needed something new in her schedule. She finished her joint and made her way back home to grab her motorcycle. From there, she sped off into the night. Hell, she knew how dangerous and illegal this was, but she wanted the adrenaline rush. She sped through the streets of Virginia, eventually ending up at the harbour.

The cool oceanic air was a refreshing change. She stood on the rail at the edge. She closed her eyes for just a moment, and when she opened them again, Namor was standing beside her, staring at her.

"You're not waiting for me, are you, Namor?" she signed, almost teasingly.

Namor just crossed his arms. "You're easy to find, Bia."

Lyra did not doubt he was referring to her electromagnetic field - it made sense to her. It was not insane to insinuate he could track them like sharks. She looked back out to the sea, just listening to the waves crash on shore behind her.

"You look like you need a vacation," Namor continued.

"Are you offering?"

"Perhaps. Would you care for a swim across the ocean?"

Lyra shrugged. She had all the time in the world, after all. "Sure. But first, I would like to find whatever cafe is open at this time of night."

With a slight bow, Namor gestured for her to lead the way.

Later, Lyra and Namor found themselves in Greece, both sitting at a patio table at a restaurant, overlooking the ocean.

"So do you ever need to like, water yourself? If you're on land too long?" Lyra signed in question.

Namor raised an eyebrow. "Do you find yourself funny?" he asked.

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