Demon Slayer : The second Sun breather

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Chapter Two ( 5 )


While in her training. She meets a young girl, almost the same age as is she. The girls name, is Kanae. Her family was slaughtered by a demon too. But lucky for Kanae, she and her little sister Shinobu, survived. Thanks to a slayer, that showed up, just in time, to save them. Now, they were in training too.

Yoko: Hi !
Smiling, she waves at the long haired girl.
Kanae: Oh, hi ! So, you are new here ?
Yoko: Well, yes...I've only been here for a few days. I see your in training too. You want to become slayers too ?
Kanae smiles at Yoko, with her bright smile. But her younger sister Shinobu. Pops a uncomfortable question to Yoko.
Shinobu: So, and what happened to you ? Huh ? Your parents died too ?
Yoko is surprised by that question. This was, very straight forward. Shinobu even points to her mark.
Shinobu: And what is this on your forehead?
But Kanae jumps in, stopping Shinobu.
Kanae: Im sorry for my little sister. She can be harsh sometimes. But we're working on it.
Yoko: oh, don't worry, its fine, I don't mind at all.
Kanae: Are you hungry ?
Yoko : Ah, well...
Kanae hands over a onigiri to Yoko.
Kanae: Here, if you want to become a hashira, you must eat a lot.
Yoko: You want to become a hashira ?
Shinobu: Well of course she will !
Kanae: Uh, perhaps some day. But it's not my top priority. I want to proof, that demons and humans can live in harmony.
Yoko is stund at hearing this, just staring at Kanae as Shinobu screams out.
Shinobu: You know it's impossible !
Yoko: Yes, are you sure about what you just said ?
Kanae: Well, I guess we are all allowed to dream from time to time.
Yoko sees that Kanae smiled through they're harsh reaction. But inside, she has her strong believes. Yoko appreciates her strong sense of optimism. Even after such tragedy happened to them. She still believes, that humans, and demons. Can coexist.

In time as Yoko gets to know Shinobu and Kanae better, she notices that the two Kotcho sisters are complete opposites. Kanae is the eldest from the trio. Yoko is the middle one, and Shinobu is the youngest. Kanae, is visibly older, she thinks different, is very wise and kind at the same time. With a cheerful personality. While Shinobu, is more laid back and serious. The scars at Shinobu's soul, that were left behind, seem to be to deep. Their parents were slaughtered by a demon, right in front of them. It's very surprising. How Kanae turned out. While Shinobu, became a closed shell of, unhealed heartbreak.

In time, Kanae mastered flower breathing, and Yoko mastered sun breathing. Only Shinobu was to weak to decapitate a demon. Sadly, she had no arm strength. But what God took at Shinobu's strength. He gave her back in wisdom. Shinobu was very smart, creating a special type of breathing... called Insect breathing. Using poison, to kill demons. It was very effective. She created her poisons, from whisteria trees. Demons couldn't stand them. But these trees were, very rare. Demons couldn't even cross paths with them. Her poison was so strong. It killed demons almost at glance

But Yokos training was extraordinary hard. Perhaprs the hardest of the three.
She was training her speed,technique and total concentration breathing with her trainer, a previous stone pilar. And the arts of Sun breathing, from only a diary, that Yoriichi left behind, since there was no sun breathers, after the passing of Yoriichi. She was the only one. Who was able to master it. It's said. That to use sun breathing. The wielder must be fyzicaly very strong. The heavy impact it has, on it's users body. Is almost God like, some say. Many have tried mastering it. But failed at once. So then...what was so special...about her...why her...why was it her. Who was given the grace to wield it. Such ancient breathing technique. Sun breathing, was like a mothers womb, to all the other breathing, techniques. Perhaps. She was born under a lucky star.

Yoko was in training for four years. Not that she wouldn't be a natural talent, at swordsmanship. But Master Kagaya, kept her by his side, longer on purpose. Was he protecting her ? Or rather...was he waiting for the right moment. To sent her out. One thing was clear to everyone around her. That Master, had a "special" place for her, in his heart. Or at least, that's what everybody saw. Only the Master knew. The whole truth. It was odd to her too. She saw and knew. Other young slayers. Were sent to final selection. Way quicker then her.
The final selection, was a brutal test of survival. Fresh slayers, were sent there. To see, if they were worthy, to become a core member. They would spent seven days on a mountain with demons. Those who would survive. Would then become official slayers. And would get a right to chose an sword orb. Sword orbs, were used in the forging process, of the nichirin swords. These swords were the only ones. Who were able to decapitated a demon, by cutting of his head. These swords also changed color. The color of your sword, would determine. The perfect breathing technique for each individual.
She used to wonder why she wasn't sent to the final selection. But then, after time, she shrugged it off her mind. Thinking, it was because, she wasn't good enough.
Slowly, year by year.
From a small child, grew up a young, beautiful, and strong women.
Her physical strength was extraordinary, almost reaching up to Kanae's.

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