Demon Slayer : The Second Sun Breather

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A few weeks pass since the Mugen train incident. Yoko visits the Kagaya mansion. Where master Kagaya is waiting for her presence. There wasn't any hashira meeting this time. Only a small talk, between him and Yoko.
When she enters the inside, of the mansion. She bows to master Kagaya in respect.
Yoko: Master.
Master Kagaya: Yoko, my dear child.
My apologies, for making you wait so long. These health treatments, take up
a lot of my time. I wouldn't under go them, if my wife didin't insist.
Yoko: Please, don't be. Your health is important to us all.
Master Kagaya: But there's some other things, I'd like to discuss with you. First, to make my self clear. I am very proud, that you managed to defeat, yet another upper rank. But ... Tamayo informed me. That Kibutsuji, got rid of lower moon demons.
Yoko: All...?
Master Kagaya: Yes...We are not certain, what this means. But we suspect, he saw through our plan too. It seem's, he is careful, about his moves. Now, that we lost the moment of surprise. We must think of a new plan. To put an end to him. I'd like to work very closely, with lady Tamayo, from now on.
For the time being. I want you to stay down. Be careful about your moves. Perhaps, it would be best. If you took some time off. At least, until Rengokus wounds are fully healed. It would be the best choice now.
Hopefully, it won't propose much threat, for your comrades. Kibutsuji might be very unpredictable. From now on.
Yoko: Yes ! I understand. But...master, for a long time, I wanted to tell you...
I had troubles, accepting my responsibility. I know it's very unprofessional of me.
But now, I am certain and confident to say.
Im fulfill it. Regardless of what it'll cost me. I'll protect everyone. I'll put an end to this.
Yoko raises her sight again, looking at the master. Such power shines, from her eyes.
Master Kagaya notices the change in Yoko's character. Lightly smiling.
Master Kagaya: Very well my child. Keep your head up high. Never forget, our destiny holds greate power. In life, we only grow with hard lessons, in bad times. When we struggle the most.
The pretty moments we experienced, only keep us moving, forward, through those difficult times. Never forget that.
Learn from them very wisely. They can give you, valuable knowledge.
This sentence sticks to Yoko. Deeply clinging to her mind.
Master Kagaya: You are free to go, enjoy life, a little more. We may never know. How much time, we have left. Try to find beauty, in everyday. Rengoku knows the best, how to do that. Let him teach you.
The master says joyfully, with a soft voice.
Yoko bows to the master, with no second thought, staring at the wooden floor. Without blinking. This...wisdom.
His graceful presence. Is so... overwhelming.
When she makes her move to leave.
Master Kagaya shares a few last words, with her.
Master Kagaya: I almost forgot. Congratulations, to your engagment.
Yoko: Oh master...
She looks at him, how he smiles. Giving her permission, to continue her way of life. That lightens up her smile.
Yoko: Thank you...master.

Yoko then leaves for the butterfly mansion.
To take Kyojuro back home. He insisted on it. Perhaps, misses Aois cooking isn't as good, as Yoko's.
Kyojuro: You are already here, what did master ask of you ?
Yoko: Oh nothing much, it was about the latest mission, at the Mugen train station. You know...
Kyojuro: I see, I hope it didin't cause you any trouble.
Yoko: Trouble ? Hah ! Not at all.
Don't worry. Come, lets get you home.
Kyojuro: Oh well...I didin't mean the flame mansion. I'd like to take you, to my home town. You are soon becoming my bride, I'd like to introduce you, to my father, and brother. As we'll be family, very soon.
Yoko: Oh, you want to head out now ?
Kyojuro: Not right now, but today, yes ! Pack a few things and we are good to go!
Yoko: I have to stop by Tanjiro today, I promised him that, I'll pack up your stuff...and...
He doesn't let her finish the sentence, when he interrupts her.
Kyojuro: That's perfect, I'll wait for you there !
Yoko: Are you sure ? Your wounds aren't healed up yet. It could be dangerous! What if you fall of Kibō...or...
Kyojuro: I'm sure, so don't worry that much. I'm a hashira too you know. Or you forgot ?
He kisses Yoko on her forehead.
She looks up, smiling...this is new. This sarcasm. Where did this come from ? She thinks to her self.
Yoko: Alright then. But God help you, if something happens to you, haha!
Kyojuro: Oh stop this ! Or you'll be as creepy, as Kotcho ! Hahaha!
Yoko: Shinobu isn't creepy ! Hahaha!
But fine, I'll get your things.
In a moment, Yoko packs up his things, and loads them on his horse.
Helping him in the saddle. Kyojuro looks down at Yoko.
Kyojuro: See you there. My crow will show you the way.
Yoko: Alright, but be very carefull Kyojuro!
Kyojuro: Don't worry that much, it doesn't fit you.
Yoko: How stubborn can you get ?
Kyojuro: I love you too.
He smiles at Yoko, before he rides off.
This last sentence. Surprised her, he just said it. With no hesitation ?
Yoko watches Kyojuro leave for home. Wondering why is he in such a hurry, they could have gone together. But she shrugs it off her shoulders. Walking away, to the butterfly mansion.

Demon Slayer, The Second Sun BreatherWhere stories live. Discover now