Demon Slayer : The Second Sun Breather

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But one day. After training, they were sitting on the porch talking.
Kyojuro: Here, have something to eat.
Handing over a bento lunch box.
Yoko: Thank you, I really needed that.
Kyojuro: What now ? Did I exhaust you ?
Yoko: Pretty much yes ! You were long gone. How was your mission ?
Kyojuro: A week is long?
Hahaha! It went well. Luckily, nobody died. Some were injured but otherwise. It went well.
Yoko: Then you have prevailed again !
Kyojuro: Yes I have !
They start eating, when Yoko pops the question.
Yoko: I was wondering, have you ever dated anyone ?
Kyojuro is looking embarrassed, blushing so hard. He almost chokes on his food.
Yoko: Oh I'm sorry ... I... you don't have to answer !
Realizing how stupid it must have sound.
Yoko: *inner voice*: why did I say it out loud ?!?!
Kyojuro: No ! It's okay, mhmh... no, I've never been with anyone.
He continues coughing up, pieces of his food.
Yoko is staring at him, wondering if he is saying the truth.
Yoko: I'm so sorry. That was... inappropriate.
Kyojuro: Tha't okay, really.
Yoko: But you almost chocked there.
She smiles provocatively.
Kyojuro smirk's, looking at the blooming sakura tree. As the furin rings in the cool spring breeze.
Kyojuro: This is my favorite season.
Yoko: Spring ?
Kyojuro: Yes, it smells like you.
Yoko: Oh really ?
Yoko brushes her head, smiling. Is this...normal ?
Yoko:*inner voice*: Do I smell, like sakura ?
There is a moment of silence as Kyojuro looks at her secretly.
When suddenly, he comes closer to her, he is sitting inches away now, and he leans into her lap, looking up at her. He looks in her beautiful eyes. Touching her cheek, smiling up at her. Yoko was stund, looking right into his bright eyes, she holds his hand. Her heart is beating so fast now. For a few moments, Kyojuro is petting her on her cheek. His hand is so big, it covers half of her face. Looking at her lips. Her beauty takes his breath away. His heart is beating faster now too. And then, finally...after months, he finds the courage in him, to kiss her, he gently pulls her head lower for a kiss, feeling her lips on his, was the best feeling that ever happened to him, he thought to him self. Her lips are so sweet, just like cherry's or better, strawberries. Yes, like fresh strawberries.
And he can't get enough of them. Both of them blush hard. Smiling as they separate. This is the softest, and purest feeling. They ever felt. Once they separate. He stays in her lap, a little while longer. Playing with her hair. She gently pats his head, and cheek. His hair is so soft. And so is his cheek. He looks up, so lovingly on her face. The song of love, is the prettiest there is. Floating in clouds. Having friends is nice, having family is better. But once you find your special someone. The world stops spinning, for a second. Nothing matters to you more, then their well being. And happiness.
Yoko: Finally.
Kyojuro: This is...the best feeling in the world.
Yoko: It sure is. If I could...I'd stop the time, and sat here...forever like this.
Kyojuro smiles, happy he finally gathered up his courage. He takes her by the hand. Looking at it.
Kyojuro: It's so small, not even the half of mine.
Smiling, he compares their hands. That touch is so gentle. As if electricity ran through it.
Yoko: I know, it looks bad.
Kyojuro: Oh no, not at all! I think it's cute. It would look bad if it was big as mine.
He brings her hand, closer to his mouth, kissing it. Makes Yoko blush. He is so, sweet.

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